
This module contains objects representing HTTP objects passed to the user's hooks

 2    This module contains objects representing HTTP objects passed to the user's hooks
 5from .request import Request, Headers
 6from .response import Response
 7from .flow import Flow
 8from .utils import match_patterns, host_is
 9from . import body
11__all__ = [
12    "body",  # <- pdoc shows a warning for this declaration but won't display it when absent
13    "Request",
14    "Response",
15    "Headers",
16    "Flow",
17    "host_is",
18    "match_patterns",
class Request:
 70class Request:
 71    """A "Burp oriented" HTTP request class
 74    This class allows to manipulate Burp requests in a Pythonic way.
 75    """
 77    _Port = int
 78    _QueryParam = tuple[str, str]
 79    _ParsedQuery = tuple[_QueryParam, ...]
 80    _HttpVersion = str
 81    _HeaderKey = str
 82    _HeaderValue = str
 83    _Header = tuple[_HeaderKey, _HeaderValue]
 84    _Host = str
 85    _Method = str
 86    _Scheme = Literal["http", "https"]
 87    _Authority = str
 88    _Content = bytes
 89    _Path = str
 91    host: _Host
 92    port: _Port
 93    method: _Method
 94    scheme: _Scheme
 95    authority: _Authority
 97    # Path also includes URI parameters (;), query (?) and fragment (#)
 98    # Simply because it is more conveninent to manipulate that way in a pentensting context
 99    # It also mimics the way mitmproxy works.
100    path: _Path
102    http_version: _HttpVersion
103    _headers: Headers
104    _serializer: FormSerializer | None = None
105    _deserialized_content: Any = None
106    _content: _Content | None = None
107    _old_deserialized_content: Any = None
108    _is_form_initialized: bool = False
109    update_content_length: bool = True
111    def __init__(
112        self,
113        method: str,
114        scheme: Literal["http", "https"],
115        host: str,
116        port: int,
117        path: str,
118        http_version: str,
119        headers: (
120            Headers | tuple[tuple[bytes, bytes], ...] | Iterable[tuple[bytes, bytes]]
121        ),
122        authority: str,
123        content: bytes | None,
124    ):
125        self.scheme = scheme
126 = host
127        self.port = port
128        self.path = path
129        self.method = method
130        self.authority = authority
131        self.http_version = http_version
132        self.headers = headers if isinstance(headers, Headers) else Headers(headers)
133        self._content = content
135        # Initialize the serializer (json,urlencoded,multipart)
136        self.update_serializer_from_content_type(
137            self.headers.get("Content-Type"), fail_silently=True
138        )
140        # Initialize old deserialized content to avoid modifying content if it has not been modified
141        # (see test_content_do_not_modify_json() in scalpel/src/main/resources/python/pyscalpel/tests/
142        self._old_deserialized_content = deepcopy(self._deserialized_content)
144    def _del_header(self, header: str) -> bool:
145        if header in self._headers.keys():
146            del self._headers[header]
147            return True
149        return False
151    def _update_content_length(self) -> None:
152        if self.update_content_length:
153            if self._content is None:
154                self._del_header("Content-Length")
155            else:
156                length = len(cast(bytes, self._content))
157                self._headers["Content-Length"] = str(length)
159    @staticmethod
160    def _parse_qs(query_string: str) -> _ParsedQuery:
161        return tuple(urllib.parse.parse_qsl(query_string))
163    @staticmethod
164    def _parse_url(
165        url: str,
166    ) -> tuple[_Scheme, _Host, _Port, _Path]:
167        scheme, host, port, path = url_parse(url)
169        # This method is only used to create HTTP requests from URLs
170        #   so we can ensure the scheme is valid for this usage
171        if scheme not in (b"http", b"https"):
172            scheme = b"http"
174        return cast(
175            tuple[Literal["http", "https"], str, int, str],
176            (scheme.decode("ascii"), host.decode("idna"), port, path.decode("ascii")),
177        )
179    @staticmethod
180    def _unparse_url(scheme: _Scheme, host: _Host, port: _Port, path: _Path) -> str:
181        return url_unparse(scheme, host, port, path)
183    @classmethod
184    def make(
185        cls,
186        method: str,
187        url: str,
188        content: bytes | str = "",
189        headers: (
190            Headers
191            | dict[str | bytes, str | bytes]
192            | dict[str, str]
193            | dict[bytes, bytes]
194            | Iterable[tuple[bytes, bytes]]
195        ) = (),
196    ) -> Request:
197        """Create a request from an URL
199        Args:
200            method (str): The request method (GET,POST,PUT,PATCH, DELETE,TRACE,...)
201            url (str): The request URL
202            content (bytes | str, optional): The request content. Defaults to "".
203            headers (Headers, optional): The request headers. Defaults to ().
205        Returns:
206            Request: The HTTP request
207        """
208        scalpel_headers: Headers
209        match headers:
210            case Headers():
211                scalpel_headers = headers
212            case dict():
213                casted_headers = cast(dict[str | bytes, str | bytes], headers)
214                scalpel_headers = Headers(
215                    (
216                        (always_bytes(key), always_bytes(val))
217                        for key, val in casted_headers.items()
218                    )
219                )
220            case _:
221                scalpel_headers = Headers(headers)
223        scheme, host, port, path = Request._parse_url(url)
224        http_version = "HTTP/1.1"
226        # Inferr missing Host header from URL
227        host_header = scalpel_headers.get("Host")
228        if host_header is None:
229            match (scheme, port):
230                case ("http", 80) | ("https", 443):
231                    host_header = host
232                case _:
233                    host_header = f"{host}:{port}"
235            scalpel_headers["Host"] = host_header
237        authority: str = host_header
238        encoded_content = always_bytes(content)
240        assert isinstance(host, str)
242        return cls(
243            method=method,
244            scheme=scheme,
245            host=host,
246            port=port,
247            path=path,
248            http_version=http_version,
249            headers=scalpel_headers,
250            authority=authority,
251            content=encoded_content,
252        )
254    @classmethod
255    def from_burp(
256        cls, request: IHttpRequest, service: IHttpService | None = None
257    ) -> Request:  # pragma: no cover (uses Java API)
258        """Construct an instance of the Request class from a Burp suite HttpRequest.
259        :param request: The Burp suite HttpRequest to convert.
260        :return: A Request with the same data as the Burp suite HttpRequest.
261        """
262        service = service or request.httpService()
263        body = get_bytes(request.body())
265        # Burp will give you lowercased and pseudo headers when using HTTP/2.
266        #,lowercase,-.
267        #
268        headers: Headers = Headers.from_burp(request.headers())
270        # Burp gives a 0 length byte array body even when it doesn't exist, instead of null.
271        # Empty but existing bodies without a Content-Length header are lost in the process.
272        if not body and not headers.get("Content-Length"):
273            body = None
275        # request.url() gives a relative url for some reason
276        # So we have to parse and unparse to get the full path
277        #   (path + parameters + query + fragment)
278        _, _, path, parameters, query, fragment = urllib.parse.urlparse(request.url())
280        # Concatenate the path components
281        # Empty parameters,query and fragment are lost in the process
282        # e.g.:;?# becomes
283        # To use such an URL, the user must set the path directly
284        # To fix this we would need to write our own URL parser, which is a bit overkill for now.
285        path = urllib.parse.urlunparse(("", "", path, parameters, query, fragment))
287        host = ""
288        port = 0
289        scheme = "http"
290        if service:
291            host =
292            port = service.port()
293            scheme = "https" if else "http"
295        return cls(
296            method=request.method(),
297            scheme=scheme,
298            host=host,
299            port=port,
300            path=path,
301            http_version=request.httpVersion() or "HTTP/1.1",
302            headers=headers,
303            authority=headers.get(":authority") or headers.get("Host") or "",
304            content=body,
305        )
307    def __bytes__(self) -> bytes:
308        """Convert the request to bytes
309        :return: The request as bytes.
310        """
311        # Reserialize the request to bytes.
312        first_line = (
313            b" ".join(
314                always_bytes(s) for s in (self.method, self.path, self.http_version)
315            )
316            + b"\r\n"
317        )
319        # Strip HTTP/2 pseudo headers.
320        #,Pseudo%2Dheaders,-In%20HTTP/2
321        mapped_headers = tuple(
322            field for field in self.headers.fields if not field[0].startswith(b":")
323        )
325        if self.headers.get(b"Host") is None and self.http_version == "HTTP/2":
326            # Host header is not present in HTTP/2, but is required by Burp message editor.
327            # So we have to add it back from the :authority pseudo-header.
328            #,derives,-the%20%3Aauthority%20from
329            mapped_headers = (
330                (b"Host", always_bytes(self.headers[":authority"])),
331            ) + tuple(mapped_headers)
333        # Construct the request's headers part.
334        headers_lines = b"".join(
335            b"%s: %s\r\n" % (key, val) for key, val in mapped_headers
336        )
338        # Set a default value for the request's body. (None -> b"")
339        body = self.content or b""
341        # Construct the whole request and return it.
342        return first_line + headers_lines + b"\r\n" + body
344    def to_burp(self) -> IHttpRequest:  # pragma: no cover
345        """Convert the request to a Burp suite :class:`IHttpRequest`.
346        :return: The request as a Burp suite :class:`IHttpRequest`.
347        """
348        # Convert the request to a Burp ByteArray.
349        request_byte_array: IByteArray = PythonUtils.toByteArray(bytes(self))
351        if self.port == 0:
352            # No networking information is available, so we build a plain network-less request.
353            return HttpRequest.httpRequest(request_byte_array)
355        # Build the Burp HTTP networking service.
356        service: IHttpService = HttpService.httpService(
357  , self.port, self.scheme == "https"
358        )
360        # Instantiate and return a new Burp HTTP request.
361        return HttpRequest.httpRequest(service, request_byte_array)
363    @classmethod
364    def from_raw(
365        cls,
366        data: bytes | str,
367        real_host: str = "",
368        port: int = 0,
369        scheme: Literal["http"] | Literal["https"] | str = "http",
370    ) -> Request:  # pragma: no cover
371        """Construct an instance of the Request class from raw bytes.
372        :param data: The raw bytes to convert.
373        :param real_host: The real host to connect to.
374        :param port: The port of the request.
375        :param scheme: The scheme of the request.
376        :return: A :class:`Request` with the same data as the raw bytes.
377        """
378        # Convert the raw bytes to a Burp ByteArray.
379        # We use the Burp API to trivialize the parsing of the request from raw bytes.
380        str_or_byte_array: IByteArray | str = (
381            data if isinstance(data, str) else PythonUtils.toByteArray(data)
382        )
384        # Handle the case where the networking informations are not provided.
385        if port == 0:
386            # Instantiate and return a new Burp HTTP request without networking informations.
387            burp_request: IHttpRequest = HttpRequest.httpRequest(str_or_byte_array)
388        else:
389            # Build the Burp HTTP networking service.
390            service: IHttpService = HttpService.httpService(
391                real_host, port, scheme == "https"
392            )
394            # Instantiate a new Burp HTTP request with networking informations.
395            burp_request: IHttpRequest = HttpRequest.httpRequest(
396                service, str_or_byte_array
397            )
399        # Construct the request from the Burp.
400        return cls.from_burp(burp_request)
402    @property
403    def url(self) -> str:
404        """
405        The full URL string, constructed from `Request.scheme`,
406            ``, `Request.port` and `Request.path`.
408        Setting this property updates these attributes as well.
409        """
410        return Request._unparse_url(self.scheme,, self.port, self.path)
412    @url.setter
413    def url(self, val: str | bytes) -> None:
414        (self.scheme,, self.port, self.path) = Request._parse_url(
415            always_str(val)
416        )
418    def _get_query(self) -> _ParsedQuery:
419        query = urllib.parse.urlparse(self.url).query
420        return tuple(url_decode(query))
422    def _set_query(self, query_data: Sequence[_QueryParam]):
423        query = url_encode(query_data)
424        _, _, path, params, _, fragment = urllib.parse.urlparse(self.url)
425        self.path = urllib.parse.urlunparse(["", "", path, params, query, fragment])
427    @property
428    def query(self) -> URLEncodedFormView:
429        """The query string parameters as a dict-like object
431        Returns:
432            QueryParamsView: The query string parameters
433        """
434        return URLEncodedFormView(
435            multidict.MultiDictView(self._get_query, self._set_query)
436        )
438    @query.setter
439    def query(self, value: Sequence[tuple[str, str]]):
440        self._set_query(value)
442    def _has_deserialized_content_changed(self) -> bool:
443        return self._deserialized_content != self._old_deserialized_content
445    def _serialize_content(self):
446        if self._serializer is None:
447            return
449        if self._deserialized_content is None:
450            self._content = None
451            return
453        self._update_serialized_content(
454            self._serializer.serialize(self._deserialized_content, req=self)
455        )
457    def _update_serialized_content(self, serialized: bytes):
458        if self._serializer is None:
459            self._content = serialized
460            return
462        # Update the parsed form
463        self._deserialized_content = self._serializer.deserialize(serialized, self)
464        self._old_deserialized_content = deepcopy(self._deserialized_content)
466        # Set the raw content directly
467        self._content = serialized
469    def _deserialize_content(self):
470        if self._serializer is None:
471            return
473        if self._content:
474            self._deserialized_content = self._serializer.deserialize(
475                self._content, req=self
476            )
478    def _update_deserialized_content(self, deserialized: Any):
479        if self._serializer is None:
480            return
482        if deserialized is None:
483            self._deserialized_content = None
484            self._old_deserialized_content = None
485            return
487        self._deserialized_content = deserialized
488        self._content = self._serializer.serialize(deserialized, self)
489        self._update_content_length()
491    @property
492    def content(self) -> bytes | None:
493        """The request content / body as raw bytes
495        Returns:
496            bytes | None: The content if it exists
497        """
498        if self._serializer and self._has_deserialized_content_changed():
499            self._update_deserialized_content(self._deserialized_content)
500            self._old_deserialized_content = deepcopy(self._deserialized_content)
502        self._update_content_length()
504        return self._content
506    @content.setter
507    def content(self, value: bytes | str | None):
508        match value:
509            case None:
510                self._content = None
511                self._deserialized_content = None
512                return
513            case str():
514                value = value.encode("latin-1")
516        self._update_content_length()
518        self._update_serialized_content(value)
520    @property
521    def body(self) -> bytes | None:
522        """Alias for content()
524        Returns:
525            bytes | None: The request body / content
526        """
527        return self.content
529    @body.setter
530    def body(self, value: bytes | str | None):
531        self.content = value
533    def update_serializer_from_content_type(
534        self,
535        content_type: ImplementedContentType | str | None = None,
536        fail_silently: bool = False,
537    ):
538        """Update the form parsing based on the given Content-Type
540        Args:
541            content_type (ImplementedContentTypesTp | str | None, optional): The form content-type. Defaults to None.
542            fail_silently (bool, optional): Determine if an excpetion is raised when the content-type is unknown. Defaults to False.
544        Raises:
545            FormNotParsedException: Raised when the content-type is unknown.
546        """
547        # Strip the boundary param so we can use our content-type to serializer map
548        _content_type: str = get_header_value_without_params(
549            content_type or self.headers.get("Content-Type") or ""
550        )
552        serializer = None
553        if _content_type in IMPLEMENTED_CONTENT_TYPES:
554            serializer = CONTENT_TYPE_TO_SERIALIZER.get(_content_type)
556        if serializer is None:
557            if fail_silently:
558                serializer = self._serializer
559            else:
560                raise FormNotParsedException(
561                    f"Unimplemented form content-type: {_content_type}"
562                )
563        self._set_serializer(serializer)
565    @property
566    def content_type(self) -> str | None:
567        """The Content-Type header value.
569        Returns:
570            str | None: <=> self.headers.get("Content-Type")
571        """
572        return self.headers.get("Content-Type")
574    @content_type.setter
575    def content_type(self, value: str) -> str | None:
576        self.headers["Content-Type"] = value
578    def create_defaultform(
579        self,
580        content_type: ImplementedContentType | str | None = None,
581        update_header: bool = True,
582    ) -> MutableMapping[Any, Any]:
583        """Creates the form if it doesn't exist, else returns the existing one
585        Args:
586            content_type (IMPLEMENTED_CONTENT_TYPES_TP | None, optional): The form content-type. Defaults to None.
587            update_header (bool, optional): Whether to update the header. Defaults to True.
589        Raises:
590            FormNotParsedException: Thrown when provided content-type has no implemented form-serializer
591            FormNotParsedException: Thrown when the raw content could not be parsed.
593        Returns:
594            MutableMapping[Any, Any]: The mapped form.
595        """
596        if not self._is_form_initialized or content_type:
597            self.update_serializer_from_content_type(content_type)
599            # Set content-type if it does not exist
600            if (content_type and update_header) or not self.headers.get_all(
601                "Content-Type"
602            ):
603                self.headers["Content-Type"] = content_type
605        serializer = self._serializer
606        if serializer is None:
607            # This should probably never trigger here as it should already be raised by update_serializer_from_content_type
608            raise FormNotParsedException(
609                f"Form of content-type {self.content_type} not implemented."
610            )
612        # Create default form.
613        if not self.content:
614            self._deserialized_content = serializer.get_empty_form(self)
615        elif self._deserialized_content is None:
616            self._deserialize_content()
618        if self._deserialized_content is None:
619            raise FormNotParsedException(
620                f"Could not parse content to {serializer.deserialized_type()}\nContent:{self._content}"
621            )
623        if not isinstance(self._deserialized_content, serializer.deserialized_type()):
624            self._deserialized_content = serializer.get_empty_form(self)
626        self._is_form_initialized = True
627        return self._deserialized_content
629    @property
630    def form(self) -> MutableMapping[Any, Any]:
631        """Mapping from content parsed accordingly to Content-Type
633        Raises:
634            FormNotParsedException: The content could not be parsed accordingly to Content-Type
636        Returns:
637            MutableMapping[Any, Any]: The mapped request form
638        """
639        if not self._is_form_initialized:
640            self.update_serializer_from_content_type()
642        self.create_defaultform()
643        if self._deserialized_content is None:
644            raise FormNotParsedException()
646        self._is_form_initialized = True
647        return self._deserialized_content
649    @form.setter
650    def form(self, form: MutableMapping[Any, Any]):
651        if not self._is_form_initialized:
652            self.update_serializer_from_content_type()
653            self._is_form_initialized = True
655        self._deserialized_content = form
657        # Update raw _content
658        self._serialize_content()
660    def _set_serializer(self, serializer: FormSerializer | None):
661        # Update the serializer
662        old_serializer = self._serializer
663        self._serializer = serializer
665        if serializer is None:
666            self._deserialized_content = None
667            return
669        if type(serializer) == type(old_serializer):
670            return
672        if old_serializer is None:
673            self._deserialize_content()
674            return
676        old_form = self._deserialized_content
678        if old_form is None:
679            self._deserialize_content()
680            return
682        # Convert the form to an intermediate format for easier conversion
683        exported_form = old_serializer.export_form(old_form)
685        # Parse the intermediate data to the new serializer format
686        imported_form = serializer.import_form(exported_form, self)
687        self._deserialized_content = imported_form
689    def _update_serializer_and_get_form(
690        self, serializer: FormSerializer
691    ) -> MutableMapping[Any, Any] | None:
692        # Set the serializer and update the content
693        self._set_serializer(serializer)
695        # Return the new form
696        return self._deserialized_content
698    def _update_serializer_and_set_form(
699        self, serializer: FormSerializer, form: MutableMapping[Any, Any]
700    ) -> None:
701        # NOOP when the serializer is the same
702        self._set_serializer(serializer)
704        self._update_deserialized_content(form)
706    @property
707    def urlencoded_form(self) -> URLEncodedForm:
708        """The urlencoded form data
710        Converts the content to the urlencoded form format if needed.
711        Modification to this object will update Request.content and vice versa
713        Returns:
714            QueryParams: The urlencoded form data
715        """
716        self._is_form_initialized = True
717        return cast(
718            URLEncodedForm,
719            self._update_serializer_and_get_form(URLEncodedFormSerializer()),
720        )
722    @urlencoded_form.setter
723    def urlencoded_form(self, form: URLEncodedForm):
724        self._is_form_initialized = True
725        self._update_serializer_and_set_form(URLEncodedFormSerializer(), form)
727    @property
728    def json_form(self) -> dict[JSON_KEY_TYPES, JSON_VALUE_TYPES]:
729        """The JSON form data
731        Converts the content to the JSON form format if needed.
732        Modification to this object will update Request.content and vice versa
734        Returns:
735          dict[JSON_KEY_TYPES, JSON_VALUE_TYPES]: The JSON form data
736        """
737        self._is_form_initialized = True
738        if self._update_serializer_and_get_form(JSONFormSerializer()) is None:
739            serializer = cast(JSONFormSerializer, self._serializer)
740            self._deserialized_content = serializer.get_empty_form(self)
742        return self._deserialized_content
744    @json_form.setter
745    def json_form(self, form: dict[JSON_KEY_TYPES, JSON_VALUE_TYPES]):
746        self._is_form_initialized = True
747        self._update_serializer_and_set_form(JSONFormSerializer(), JSONForm(form))
749    def _ensure_multipart_content_type(self) -> str:
750        content_types_headers = self.headers.get_all("Content-Type")
751        pattern = re.compile(
752            r"^multipart/form-data;\s*boundary=([^;\s]+)", re.IGNORECASE
753        )
755        # Find a valid multipart content-type header with a valid boundary
756        matched_content_type: str | None = None
757        for content_type in content_types_headers:
758            if pattern.match(content_type):
759                matched_content_type = content_type
760                break
762        # If no boundary was found, overwrite the Content-Type header
763        # If an user wants to avoid this behaviour,they should manually create a MultiPartForm(), convert it to bytes
764        #   and pass it as raw_form()
765        if matched_content_type is None:
766            # TODO: Randomly generate this? The boundary could be used to fingerprint Scalpel
767            new_content_type = (
768                "multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryy6klzjxzTk68s1dI"
769            )
770            self.headers["Content-Type"] = new_content_type
771            return new_content_type
773        return matched_content_type
775    @property
776    def multipart_form(self) -> MultiPartForm:
777        """The multipart form data
779        Converts the content to the multipart form format if needed.
780        Modification to this object will update Request.content and vice versa
782        Returns:
783            MultiPartForm
784        """
785        self._is_form_initialized = True
787        # Keep boundary even if content-type has changed
788        if isinstance(self._deserialized_content, MultiPartForm):
789            return self._deserialized_content
791        # We do not have an existing form, so we have to ensure we have a content-type header with a boundary
792        self._ensure_multipart_content_type()
794        # Serialize the current form and try to parse it with the new serializer
795        form = self._update_serializer_and_get_form(MultiPartFormSerializer())
796        serializer = cast(MultiPartFormSerializer, self._serializer)
798        # Set a default value
799        if not form:
800            self._deserialized_content = serializer.get_empty_form(self)
802        # get_empty_form() fails when the request doesn't have a valid Content-Type multipart/form-data with a boundary
803        if self._deserialized_content is None:
804            raise FormNotParsedException(
805                f"Could not parse content to {serializer.deserialized_type()}"
806            )
808        return self._deserialized_content
810    @multipart_form.setter
811    def multipart_form(self, form: MultiPartForm):
812        self._is_form_initialized = True
813        if not isinstance(self._deserialized_content, MultiPartForm):
814            # Generate a multipart header because we don't have any boundary to format the multipart.
815            self._ensure_multipart_content_type()
817        return self._update_serializer_and_set_form(
818            MultiPartFormSerializer(), cast(MutableMapping, form)
819        )
821    @property
822    def cookies(self) -> multidict.MultiDictView[str, str]:
823        """
824        The request cookies.
825        For the most part, this behaves like a dictionary.
826        Modifications to the MultiDictView update `Request.headers`, and vice versa.
827        """
828        return multidict.MultiDictView(self._get_cookies, self._set_cookies)
830    def _get_cookies(self) -> tuple[tuple[str, str], ...]:
831        header = self.headers.get_all("Cookie")
832        return tuple(cookies.parse_cookie_headers(header))
834    def _set_cookies(self, value: tuple[tuple[str, str], ...]):
835        self.headers["cookie"] = cookies.format_cookie_header(value)
837    @cookies.setter
838    def cookies(self, value: tuple[tuple[str, str], ...] | Mapping[str, str]):
839        if hasattr(value, "items") and callable(getattr(value, "items")):
840            value = tuple(cast(Mapping[str, str], value).items())
841        self._set_cookies(cast(tuple[tuple[str, str], ...], value))
843    @property
844    def host_header(self) -> str | None:
845        """Host header value
847        Returns:
848            str | None: The host header value
849        """
850        return self.headers.get("Host")
852    @host_header.setter
853    def host_header(self, value: str | None):
854        self.headers["Host"] = value
856    def text(self, encoding="utf-8") -> str:
857        """The decoded content
859        Args:
860            encoding (str, optional): encoding to use. Defaults to "utf-8".
862        Returns:
863            str: The decoded content
864        """
865        if self.content is None:
866            return ""
868        return self.content.decode(encoding)
870    @property
871    def headers(self) -> Headers:
872        """The request HTTP headers
874        Returns:
875            Headers: a case insensitive dict containing the HTTP headers
876        """
877        self._update_content_length()
878        return self._headers
880    @headers.setter
881    def headers(self, value: Headers):
882        self._headers = value
883        self._update_content_length()
885    @property
886    def content_length(self) -> int:
887        """Returns the Content-Length header value
888           Returns 0 if the header is absent
890        Args:
891            value (int | str): The Content-Length value
893        Raises:
894            RuntimeError: Throws RuntimeError when the value is invalid
895        """
896        content_length: str | None = self.headers.get("Content-Length")
897        if content_length is None:
898            return 0
900        trimmed = content_length.strip()
901        if not trimmed.isdigit():
902            raise ValueError("Content-Length does not contain only digits")
904        return int(trimmed)
906    @content_length.setter
907    def content_length(self, value: int | str):
908        if self.update_content_length:
909            # It is useless to manually set content-length because the value will be erased.
910            raise RuntimeError(
911                "Cannot set content_length when self.update_content_length is True"
912            )
914        if isinstance(value, int):
915            value = str(value)
917        self._headers["Content-Length"] = value
919    @property
920    def pretty_host(self) -> str:
921        """Returns the most approriate host
922        Returns when it exists, else it returns self.host_header
924        Returns:
925            str: The request target host
926        """
927        return or self.headers.get("Host") or ""
929    def host_is(self, *patterns: str) -> bool:
930        """Perform wildcard matching (fnmatch) on the target host.
932        Args:
933            pattern (str): The pattern to use
935        Returns:
936            bool: Whether the pattern matches
937        """
938        return host_is(self.pretty_host, *patterns)
940    def path_is(self, *patterns: str) -> bool:
941        return match_patterns(self.path, *patterns)

A "Burp oriented" HTTP request class

This class allows to manipulate Burp requests in a Pythonic way.

Request( method: str, scheme: Literal['http', 'https'], host: str, port: int, path: str, http_version: str, headers: Union[Headers, tuple[tuple[bytes, bytes], ...], Iterable[tuple[bytes, bytes]]], authority: str, content: bytes | None)
111    def __init__(
112        self,
113        method: str,
114        scheme: Literal["http", "https"],
115        host: str,
116        port: int,
117        path: str,
118        http_version: str,
119        headers: (
120            Headers | tuple[tuple[bytes, bytes], ...] | Iterable[tuple[bytes, bytes]]
121        ),
122        authority: str,
123        content: bytes | None,
124    ):
125        self.scheme = scheme
126 = host
127        self.port = port
128        self.path = path
129        self.method = method
130        self.authority = authority
131        self.http_version = http_version
132        self.headers = headers if isinstance(headers, Headers) else Headers(headers)
133        self._content = content
135        # Initialize the serializer (json,urlencoded,multipart)
136        self.update_serializer_from_content_type(
137            self.headers.get("Content-Type"), fail_silently=True
138        )
140        # Initialize old deserialized content to avoid modifying content if it has not been modified
141        # (see test_content_do_not_modify_json() in scalpel/src/main/resources/python/pyscalpel/tests/
142        self._old_deserialized_content = deepcopy(self._deserialized_content)
host: str
port: int
method: str
scheme: Literal['http', 'https']
authority: str
path: str
http_version: str
update_content_length: bool = True
headers: Headers
870    @property
871    def headers(self) -> Headers:
872        """The request HTTP headers
874        Returns:
875            Headers: a case insensitive dict containing the HTTP headers
876        """
877        self._update_content_length()
878        return self._headers

The request HTTP headers

Returns: Headers: a case insensitive dict containing the HTTP headers

def make( cls, method: str, url: str, content: bytes | str = '', headers: Union[Headers, dict[str | bytes, str | bytes], dict[str, str], dict[bytes, bytes], Iterable[tuple[bytes, bytes]]] = ()) -> Request:
183    @classmethod
184    def make(
185        cls,
186        method: str,
187        url: str,
188        content: bytes | str = "",
189        headers: (
190            Headers
191            | dict[str | bytes, str | bytes]
192            | dict[str, str]
193            | dict[bytes, bytes]
194            | Iterable[tuple[bytes, bytes]]
195        ) = (),
196    ) -> Request:
197        """Create a request from an URL
199        Args:
200            method (str): The request method (GET,POST,PUT,PATCH, DELETE,TRACE,...)
201            url (str): The request URL
202            content (bytes | str, optional): The request content. Defaults to "".
203            headers (Headers, optional): The request headers. Defaults to ().
205        Returns:
206            Request: The HTTP request
207        """
208        scalpel_headers: Headers
209        match headers:
210            case Headers():
211                scalpel_headers = headers
212            case dict():
213                casted_headers = cast(dict[str | bytes, str | bytes], headers)
214                scalpel_headers = Headers(
215                    (
216                        (always_bytes(key), always_bytes(val))
217                        for key, val in casted_headers.items()
218                    )
219                )
220            case _:
221                scalpel_headers = Headers(headers)
223        scheme, host, port, path = Request._parse_url(url)
224        http_version = "HTTP/1.1"
226        # Inferr missing Host header from URL
227        host_header = scalpel_headers.get("Host")
228        if host_header is None:
229            match (scheme, port):
230                case ("http", 80) | ("https", 443):
231                    host_header = host
232                case _:
233                    host_header = f"{host}:{port}"
235            scalpel_headers["Host"] = host_header
237        authority: str = host_header
238        encoded_content = always_bytes(content)
240        assert isinstance(host, str)
242        return cls(
243            method=method,
244            scheme=scheme,
245            host=host,
246            port=port,
247            path=path,
248            http_version=http_version,
249            headers=scalpel_headers,
250            authority=authority,
251            content=encoded_content,
252        )

Create a request from an URL

Args: method (str): The request method (GET,POST,PUT,PATCH, DELETE,TRACE,...) url (str): The request URL content (bytes | str, optional): The request content. Defaults to "". headers (Headers, optional): The request headers. Defaults to ().

Returns: Request: The HTTP request

def from_burp( cls, request:, service: | None = None) -> Request:
254    @classmethod
255    def from_burp(
256        cls, request: IHttpRequest, service: IHttpService | None = None
257    ) -> Request:  # pragma: no cover (uses Java API)
258        """Construct an instance of the Request class from a Burp suite HttpRequest.
259        :param request: The Burp suite HttpRequest to convert.
260        :return: A Request with the same data as the Burp suite HttpRequest.
261        """
262        service = service or request.httpService()
263        body = get_bytes(request.body())
265        # Burp will give you lowercased and pseudo headers when using HTTP/2.
266        #,lowercase,-.
267        #
268        headers: Headers = Headers.from_burp(request.headers())
270        # Burp gives a 0 length byte array body even when it doesn't exist, instead of null.
271        # Empty but existing bodies without a Content-Length header are lost in the process.
272        if not body and not headers.get("Content-Length"):
273            body = None
275        # request.url() gives a relative url for some reason
276        # So we have to parse and unparse to get the full path
277        #   (path + parameters + query + fragment)
278        _, _, path, parameters, query, fragment = urllib.parse.urlparse(request.url())
280        # Concatenate the path components
281        # Empty parameters,query and fragment are lost in the process
282        # e.g.:;?# becomes
283        # To use such an URL, the user must set the path directly
284        # To fix this we would need to write our own URL parser, which is a bit overkill for now.
285        path = urllib.parse.urlunparse(("", "", path, parameters, query, fragment))
287        host = ""
288        port = 0
289        scheme = "http"
290        if service:
291            host =
292            port = service.port()
293            scheme = "https" if else "http"
295        return cls(
296            method=request.method(),
297            scheme=scheme,
298            host=host,
299            port=port,
300            path=path,
301            http_version=request.httpVersion() or "HTTP/1.1",
302            headers=headers,
303            authority=headers.get(":authority") or headers.get("Host") or "",
304            content=body,
305        )

Construct an instance of the Request class from a Burp suite HttpRequest.

#  Parameters
  • request: The Burp suite HttpRequest to convert.
#  Returns

A Request with the same data as the Burp suite HttpRequest.

def to_burp(self) ->
344    def to_burp(self) -> IHttpRequest:  # pragma: no cover
345        """Convert the request to a Burp suite :class:`IHttpRequest`.
346        :return: The request as a Burp suite :class:`IHttpRequest`.
347        """
348        # Convert the request to a Burp ByteArray.
349        request_byte_array: IByteArray = PythonUtils.toByteArray(bytes(self))
351        if self.port == 0:
352            # No networking information is available, so we build a plain network-less request.
353            return HttpRequest.httpRequest(request_byte_array)
355        # Build the Burp HTTP networking service.
356        service: IHttpService = HttpService.httpService(
357  , self.port, self.scheme == "https"
358        )
360        # Instantiate and return a new Burp HTTP request.
361        return HttpRequest.httpRequest(service, request_byte_array)

Convert the request to a Burp suite IHttpRequest.

#  Returns

The request as a Burp suite IHttpRequest.

def from_raw( cls, data: bytes | str, real_host: str = '', port: int = 0, scheme: Union[Literal['http'], Literal['https'], str] = 'http') -> Request:
363    @classmethod
364    def from_raw(
365        cls,
366        data: bytes | str,
367        real_host: str = "",
368        port: int = 0,
369        scheme: Literal["http"] | Literal["https"] | str = "http",
370    ) -> Request:  # pragma: no cover
371        """Construct an instance of the Request class from raw bytes.
372        :param data: The raw bytes to convert.
373        :param real_host: The real host to connect to.
374        :param port: The port of the request.
375        :param scheme: The scheme of the request.
376        :return: A :class:`Request` with the same data as the raw bytes.
377        """
378        # Convert the raw bytes to a Burp ByteArray.
379        # We use the Burp API to trivialize the parsing of the request from raw bytes.
380        str_or_byte_array: IByteArray | str = (
381            data if isinstance(data, str) else PythonUtils.toByteArray(data)
382        )
384        # Handle the case where the networking informations are not provided.
385        if port == 0:
386            # Instantiate and return a new Burp HTTP request without networking informations.
387            burp_request: IHttpRequest = HttpRequest.httpRequest(str_or_byte_array)
388        else:
389            # Build the Burp HTTP networking service.
390            service: IHttpService = HttpService.httpService(
391                real_host, port, scheme == "https"
392            )
394            # Instantiate a new Burp HTTP request with networking informations.
395            burp_request: IHttpRequest = HttpRequest.httpRequest(
396                service, str_or_byte_array
397            )
399        # Construct the request from the Burp.
400        return cls.from_burp(burp_request)

Construct an instance of the Request class from raw bytes.

#  Parameters
  • data: The raw bytes to convert.
  • real_host: The real host to connect to.
  • port: The port of the request.
  • scheme: The scheme of the request.
#  Returns

A Request with the same data as the raw bytes.

url: str
402    @property
403    def url(self) -> str:
404        """
405        The full URL string, constructed from `Request.scheme`,
406            ``, `Request.port` and `Request.path`.
408        Setting this property updates these attributes as well.
409        """
410        return Request._unparse_url(self.scheme,, self.port, self.path)

The full URL string, constructed from Request.scheme,, Request.port and Request.path.

Setting this property updates these attributes as well.

query: pyscalpel.http.body.urlencoded.URLEncodedFormView
427    @property
428    def query(self) -> URLEncodedFormView:
429        """The query string parameters as a dict-like object
431        Returns:
432            QueryParamsView: The query string parameters
433        """
434        return URLEncodedFormView(
435            multidict.MultiDictView(self._get_query, self._set_query)
436        )

The query string parameters as a dict-like object

Returns: QueryParamsView: The query string parameters

content: bytes | None
491    @property
492    def content(self) -> bytes | None:
493        """The request content / body as raw bytes
495        Returns:
496            bytes | None: The content if it exists
497        """
498        if self._serializer and self._has_deserialized_content_changed():
499            self._update_deserialized_content(self._deserialized_content)
500            self._old_deserialized_content = deepcopy(self._deserialized_content)
502        self._update_content_length()
504        return self._content

The request content / body as raw bytes

Returns: bytes | None: The content if it exists

body: bytes | None
520    @property
521    def body(self) -> bytes | None:
522        """Alias for content()
524        Returns:
525            bytes | None: The request body / content
526        """
527        return self.content

Alias for content()

Returns: bytes | None: The request body / content

def update_serializer_from_content_type( self, content_type: Union[Literal['application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'application/json', 'multipart/form-data'], str, NoneType] = None, fail_silently: bool = False):
533    def update_serializer_from_content_type(
534        self,
535        content_type: ImplementedContentType | str | None = None,
536        fail_silently: bool = False,
537    ):
538        """Update the form parsing based on the given Content-Type
540        Args:
541            content_type (ImplementedContentTypesTp | str | None, optional): The form content-type. Defaults to None.
542            fail_silently (bool, optional): Determine if an excpetion is raised when the content-type is unknown. Defaults to False.
544        Raises:
545            FormNotParsedException: Raised when the content-type is unknown.
546        """
547        # Strip the boundary param so we can use our content-type to serializer map
548        _content_type: str = get_header_value_without_params(
549            content_type or self.headers.get("Content-Type") or ""
550        )
552        serializer = None
553        if _content_type in IMPLEMENTED_CONTENT_TYPES:
554            serializer = CONTENT_TYPE_TO_SERIALIZER.get(_content_type)
556        if serializer is None:
557            if fail_silently:
558                serializer = self._serializer
559            else:
560                raise FormNotParsedException(
561                    f"Unimplemented form content-type: {_content_type}"
562                )
563        self._set_serializer(serializer)

Update the form parsing based on the given Content-Type

Args: content_type (ImplementedContentTypesTp | str | None, optional): The form content-type. Defaults to None. fail_silently (bool, optional): Determine if an excpetion is raised when the content-type is unknown. Defaults to False.

Raises: FormNotParsedException: Raised when the content-type is unknown.

content_type: str | None
565    @property
566    def content_type(self) -> str | None:
567        """The Content-Type header value.
569        Returns:
570            str | None: <=> self.headers.get("Content-Type")
571        """
572        return self.headers.get("Content-Type")

The Content-Type header value.

Returns: str | None: <=> self.headers.get("Content-Type")

def create_defaultform( self, content_type: Union[Literal['application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'application/json', 'multipart/form-data'], str, NoneType] = None, update_header: bool = True) -> MutableMapping[Any, Any]:
578    def create_defaultform(
579        self,
580        content_type: ImplementedContentType | str | None = None,
581        update_header: bool = True,
582    ) -> MutableMapping[Any, Any]:
583        """Creates the form if it doesn't exist, else returns the existing one
585        Args:
586            content_type (IMPLEMENTED_CONTENT_TYPES_TP | None, optional): The form content-type. Defaults to None.
587            update_header (bool, optional): Whether to update the header. Defaults to True.
589        Raises:
590            FormNotParsedException: Thrown when provided content-type has no implemented form-serializer
591            FormNotParsedException: Thrown when the raw content could not be parsed.
593        Returns:
594            MutableMapping[Any, Any]: The mapped form.
595        """
596        if not self._is_form_initialized or content_type:
597            self.update_serializer_from_content_type(content_type)
599            # Set content-type if it does not exist
600            if (content_type and update_header) or not self.headers.get_all(
601                "Content-Type"
602            ):
603                self.headers["Content-Type"] = content_type
605        serializer = self._serializer
606        if serializer is None:
607            # This should probably never trigger here as it should already be raised by update_serializer_from_content_type
608            raise FormNotParsedException(
609                f"Form of content-type {self.content_type} not implemented."
610            )
612        # Create default form.
613        if not self.content:
614            self._deserialized_content = serializer.get_empty_form(self)
615        elif self._deserialized_content is None:
616            self._deserialize_content()
618        if self._deserialized_content is None:
619            raise FormNotParsedException(
620                f"Could not parse content to {serializer.deserialized_type()}\nContent:{self._content}"
621            )
623        if not isinstance(self._deserialized_content, serializer.deserialized_type()):
624            self._deserialized_content = serializer.get_empty_form(self)
626        self._is_form_initialized = True
627        return self._deserialized_content

Creates the form if it doesn't exist, else returns the existing one

Args: content_type (IMPLEMENTED_CONTENT_TYPES_TP | None, optional): The form content-type. Defaults to None. update_header (bool, optional): Whether to update the header. Defaults to True.

Raises: FormNotParsedException: Thrown when provided content-type has no implemented form-serializer FormNotParsedException: Thrown when the raw content could not be parsed.

Returns: MutableMapping[Any, Any]: The mapped form.

form: MutableMapping[Any, Any]
629    @property
630    def form(self) -> MutableMapping[Any, Any]:
631        """Mapping from content parsed accordingly to Content-Type
633        Raises:
634            FormNotParsedException: The content could not be parsed accordingly to Content-Type
636        Returns:
637            MutableMapping[Any, Any]: The mapped request form
638        """
639        if not self._is_form_initialized:
640            self.update_serializer_from_content_type()
642        self.create_defaultform()
643        if self._deserialized_content is None:
644            raise FormNotParsedException()
646        self._is_form_initialized = True
647        return self._deserialized_content

Mapping from content parsed accordingly to Content-Type

Raises: FormNotParsedException: The content could not be parsed accordingly to Content-Type

Returns: MutableMapping[Any, Any]: The mapped request form

urlencoded_form: pyscalpel.http.body.urlencoded.URLEncodedForm
706    @property
707    def urlencoded_form(self) -> URLEncodedForm:
708        """The urlencoded form data
710        Converts the content to the urlencoded form format if needed.
711        Modification to this object will update Request.content and vice versa
713        Returns:
714            QueryParams: The urlencoded form data
715        """
716        self._is_form_initialized = True
717        return cast(
718            URLEncodedForm,
719            self._update_serializer_and_get_form(URLEncodedFormSerializer()),
720        )

The urlencoded form data

Converts the content to the urlencoded form format if needed. Modification to this object will update Request.content and vice versa

Returns: QueryParams: The urlencoded form data

json_form: dict[str | int | float, str | int | float | bool | None | list[str | int | float | bool | None | list[ForwardRef('JSON_VALUE_TYPES')] | dict[str | int | float, ForwardRef('JSON_VALUE_TYPES')]] | dict[str | int | float, str | int | float | bool | None | list[ForwardRef('JSON_VALUE_TYPES')] | dict[str | int | float, ForwardRef('JSON_VALUE_TYPES')]]]
727    @property
728    def json_form(self) -> dict[JSON_KEY_TYPES, JSON_VALUE_TYPES]:
729        """The JSON form data
731        Converts the content to the JSON form format if needed.
732        Modification to this object will update Request.content and vice versa
734        Returns:
735          dict[JSON_KEY_TYPES, JSON_VALUE_TYPES]: The JSON form data
736        """
737        self._is_form_initialized = True
738        if self._update_serializer_and_get_form(JSONFormSerializer()) is None:
739            serializer = cast(JSONFormSerializer, self._serializer)
740            self._deserialized_content = serializer.get_empty_form(self)
742        return self._deserialized_content

The JSON form data

Converts the content to the JSON form format if needed. Modification to this object will update Request.content and vice versa

Returns: dict[JSON_KEY_TYPES, JSON_VALUE_TYPES]: The JSON form data

multipart_form: pyscalpel.http.body.multipart.MultiPartForm
775    @property
776    def multipart_form(self) -> MultiPartForm:
777        """The multipart form data
779        Converts the content to the multipart form format if needed.
780        Modification to this object will update Request.content and vice versa
782        Returns:
783            MultiPartForm
784        """
785        self._is_form_initialized = True
787        # Keep boundary even if content-type has changed
788        if isinstance(self._deserialized_content, MultiPartForm):
789            return self._deserialized_content
791        # We do not have an existing form, so we have to ensure we have a content-type header with a boundary
792        self._ensure_multipart_content_type()
794        # Serialize the current form and try to parse it with the new serializer
795        form = self._update_serializer_and_get_form(MultiPartFormSerializer())
796        serializer = cast(MultiPartFormSerializer, self._serializer)
798        # Set a default value
799        if not form:
800            self._deserialized_content = serializer.get_empty_form(self)
802        # get_empty_form() fails when the request doesn't have a valid Content-Type multipart/form-data with a boundary
803        if self._deserialized_content is None:
804            raise FormNotParsedException(
805                f"Could not parse content to {serializer.deserialized_type()}"
806            )
808        return self._deserialized_content

The multipart form data

Converts the content to the multipart form format if needed. Modification to this object will update Request.content and vice versa

Returns: MultiPartForm

cookies: _internal_mitmproxy.coretypes.multidict.MultiDictView[str, str]
821    @property
822    def cookies(self) -> multidict.MultiDictView[str, str]:
823        """
824        The request cookies.
825        For the most part, this behaves like a dictionary.
826        Modifications to the MultiDictView update `Request.headers`, and vice versa.
827        """
828        return multidict.MultiDictView(self._get_cookies, self._set_cookies)

The request cookies. For the most part, this behaves like a dictionary. Modifications to the MultiDictView update Request.headers, and vice versa.

host_header: str | None
843    @property
844    def host_header(self) -> str | None:
845        """Host header value
847        Returns:
848            str | None: The host header value
849        """
850        return self.headers.get("Host")

Host header value

Returns: str | None: The host header value

def text(self, encoding='utf-8') -> str:
856    def text(self, encoding="utf-8") -> str:
857        """The decoded content
859        Args:
860            encoding (str, optional): encoding to use. Defaults to "utf-8".
862        Returns:
863            str: The decoded content
864        """
865        if self.content is None:
866            return ""
868        return self.content.decode(encoding)

The decoded content

Args: encoding (str, optional): encoding to use. Defaults to "utf-8".

Returns: str: The decoded content

content_length: int
885    @property
886    def content_length(self) -> int:
887        """Returns the Content-Length header value
888           Returns 0 if the header is absent
890        Args:
891            value (int | str): The Content-Length value
893        Raises:
894            RuntimeError: Throws RuntimeError when the value is invalid
895        """
896        content_length: str | None = self.headers.get("Content-Length")
897        if content_length is None:
898            return 0
900        trimmed = content_length.strip()
901        if not trimmed.isdigit():
902            raise ValueError("Content-Length does not contain only digits")
904        return int(trimmed)

Returns the Content-Length header value Returns 0 if the header is absent

Args: value (int | str): The Content-Length value

Raises: RuntimeError: Throws RuntimeError when the value is invalid

pretty_host: str
919    @property
920    def pretty_host(self) -> str:
921        """Returns the most approriate host
922        Returns when it exists, else it returns self.host_header
924        Returns:
925            str: The request target host
926        """
927        return or self.headers.get("Host") or ""

Returns the most approriate host Returns when it exists, else it returns self.host_header

Returns: str: The request target host

def host_is(self, *patterns: str) -> bool:
929    def host_is(self, *patterns: str) -> bool:
930        """Perform wildcard matching (fnmatch) on the target host.
932        Args:
933            pattern (str): The pattern to use
935        Returns:
936            bool: Whether the pattern matches
937        """
938        return host_is(self.pretty_host, *patterns)

Perform wildcard matching (fnmatch) on the target host.

Args: pattern (str): The pattern to use

Returns: bool: Whether the pattern matches

def path_is(self, *patterns: str) -> bool:
940    def path_is(self, *patterns: str) -> bool:
941        return match_patterns(self.path, *patterns)
class Response(_internal_mitmproxy.http.Response):
 22class Response(MITMProxyResponse):
 23    """A "Burp oriented" HTTP response class
 26    This class allows to manipulate Burp responses in a Pythonic way.
 28    Fields:
 29        scheme: http or https
 30        host: The initiating request target host
 31        port: The initiating request target port
 32        request: The initiating request.
 33    """
 35    scheme: Literal["http", "https"] = "http"
 36    host: str = ""
 37    port: int = 0
 38    request: Request | None = None
 40    def __init__(
 41        self,
 42        http_version: bytes,
 43        status_code: int,
 44        reason: bytes,
 45        headers: Headers | tuple[tuple[bytes, bytes], ...],
 46        content: bytes | None,
 47        trailers: Headers | tuple[tuple[bytes, bytes], ...] | None,
 48        scheme: Literal["http", "https"] = "http",
 49        host: str = "",
 50        port: int = 0,
 51    ):
 52        # Construct the base/inherited MITMProxy response.
 53        super().__init__(
 54            http_version,
 55            status_code,
 56            reason,
 57            headers,
 58            content,
 59            trailers,
 60            timestamp_start=time.time(),
 61            timestamp_end=time.time(),
 62        )
 63        self.scheme = scheme
 64 = host
 65        self.port = port
 67    @classmethod
 68    #
 69    # link to mitmproxy documentation
 70    def from_mitmproxy(cls, response: MITMProxyResponse) -> Response:
 71        """Construct an instance of the Response class from a [mitmproxy.http.HTTPResponse](
 72        :param response: The [mitmproxy.http.HTTPResponse]( to convert.
 73        :return: A :class:`Response` with the same data as the [mitmproxy.http.HTTPResponse](
 74        """
 75        return cls(
 76            always_bytes(response.http_version),
 77            response.status_code,
 78            always_bytes(response.reason),
 79            Headers.from_mitmproxy(response.headers),
 80            response.content,
 81            Headers.from_mitmproxy(response.trailers) if response.trailers else None,
 82        )
 84    @classmethod
 85    def from_burp(
 86        cls,
 87        response: IHttpResponse,
 88        service: IHttpService | None = None,
 89        request: IHttpRequest | None = None,
 90    ) -> Response:
 91        """Construct an instance of the Response class from a Burp suite :class:`IHttpResponse`."""
 92        body = get_bytes(cast(IByteArray, response.body())) if response.body() else b""
 93        scalpel_response = cls(
 94            always_bytes(response.httpVersion() or "HTTP/1.1"),
 95            response.statusCode(),
 96            always_bytes(response.reasonPhrase() or b""),
 97            Headers.from_burp(response.headers()),
 98            body,
 99            None,
100        )
102        burp_request: IHttpRequest | None = request
103        if burp_request is None:
104            try:
105                # Some responses can have a "initiatingRequest" field.
106                #,initiatingRequest(),-Returns%3A
107                burp_request = response.initiatingRequest()  # type: ignore
108            except AttributeError:
109                pass
111        if burp_request:
112            scalpel_response.request = Request.from_burp(burp_request, service)
114        if not service and burp_request:
115            # The only way to check if the Java method exist without writing Java is catching the error.
116            service = burp_request.httpService()
118        if service:
119            scalpel_response.scheme = "https" if else "http"
120   =
121            scalpel_response.port = service.port()
123        return scalpel_response
125    def __bytes__(self) -> bytes:
126        """Convert the response to raw bytes."""
127        # Reserialize the response to bytes.
129        # Format the first line of the response. (e.g. "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n")
130        first_line = (
131            b" ".join(
132                always_bytes(s)
133                for s in (self.http_version, str(self.status_code), self.reason)
134            )
135            + b"\r\n"
136        )
138        # Format the response's headers part.
139        headers_lines = b"".join(
140            b"%s: %s\r\n" % (key, val) for key, val in self.headers.fields
141        )
143        # Set a default value for the response's body. (None -> b"")
144        body = self.content or b""
146        # Build the whole response and return it.
147        return first_line + headers_lines + b"\r\n" + body
149    def to_burp(self) -> IHttpResponse:  # pragma: no cover (uses Java API)
150        """Convert the response to a Burp suite :class:`IHttpResponse`."""
151        response_byte_array: IByteArray = PythonUtils.toByteArray(bytes(self))
153        return HttpResponse.httpResponse(response_byte_array)
155    @classmethod
156    def from_raw(
157        cls, data: bytes | str
158    ) -> Response:  # pragma: no cover (uses Java API)
159        """Construct an instance of the Response class from raw bytes.
160        :param data: The raw bytes to convert.
161        :return: A :class:`Response` parsed from the raw bytes.
162        """
163        # Use the Burp API to trivialize the parsing of the response from raw bytes.
164        # Convert the raw bytes to a Burp ByteArray.
165        # Plain strings are OK too.
166        str_or_byte_array: IByteArray | str = (
167            data if isinstance(data, str) else PythonUtils.toByteArray(data)
168        )
170        # Instantiate a new Burp HTTP response.
171        burp_response: IHttpResponse = HttpResponse.httpResponse(str_or_byte_array)
173        return cls.from_burp(burp_response)
175    @classmethod
176    def make(
177        cls,
178        status_code: int = 200,
179        content: bytes | str = b"",
180        headers: Headers | tuple[tuple[bytes, bytes], ...] = (),
181        host: str = "",
182        port: int = 0,
183        scheme: Literal["http", "https"] = "http",
184    ) -> "Response":
185        # Use the base/inherited make method to construct a MITMProxy response.
186        mitmproxy_res = MITMProxyResponse.make(status_code, content, headers)
188        res = cls.from_mitmproxy(mitmproxy_res)
189 = host
190        res.scheme = scheme
191        res.port = port
193        return res
195    def host_is(self, *patterns: str) -> bool:
196        """Matches the host against the provided patterns
198        Returns:
199            bool: Whether at least one pattern matched
200        """
201        return host_is(, *patterns)
203    @property
204    def body(self) -> bytes | None:
205        """Alias for content()
207        Returns:
208            bytes | None: The request body / content
209        """
210        return self.content
212    @body.setter
213    def body(self, val: bytes | None):
214        self.content = val

A "Burp oriented" HTTP response class

This class allows to manipulate Burp responses in a Pythonic way.

Fields: scheme: http or https host: The initiating request target host port: The initiating request target port request: The initiating request.

Response( http_version: bytes, status_code: int, reason: bytes, headers: Headers | tuple[tuple[bytes, bytes], ...], content: bytes | None, trailers: Headers | tuple[tuple[bytes, bytes], ...] | None, scheme: Literal['http', 'https'] = 'http', host: str = '', port: int = 0)
40    def __init__(
41        self,
42        http_version: bytes,
43        status_code: int,
44        reason: bytes,
45        headers: Headers | tuple[tuple[bytes, bytes], ...],
46        content: bytes | None,
47        trailers: Headers | tuple[tuple[bytes, bytes], ...] | None,
48        scheme: Literal["http", "https"] = "http",
49        host: str = "",
50        port: int = 0,
51    ):
52        # Construct the base/inherited MITMProxy response.
53        super().__init__(
54            http_version,
55            status_code,
56            reason,
57            headers,
58            content,
59            trailers,
60            timestamp_start=time.time(),
61            timestamp_end=time.time(),
62        )
63        self.scheme = scheme
64 = host
65        self.port = port
scheme: Literal['http', 'https'] = 'http'
host: str = ''
port: int = 0
request: Request | None = None
def from_mitmproxy( cls, response: _internal_mitmproxy.http.Response) -> Response:
67    @classmethod
68    #
69    # link to mitmproxy documentation
70    def from_mitmproxy(cls, response: MITMProxyResponse) -> Response:
71        """Construct an instance of the Response class from a [mitmproxy.http.HTTPResponse](
72        :param response: The [mitmproxy.http.HTTPResponse]( to convert.
73        :return: A :class:`Response` with the same data as the [mitmproxy.http.HTTPResponse](
74        """
75        return cls(
76            always_bytes(response.http_version),
77            response.status_code,
78            always_bytes(response.reason),
79            Headers.from_mitmproxy(response.headers),
80            response.content,
81            Headers.from_mitmproxy(response.trailers) if response.trailers else None,
82        )

Construct an instance of the Response class from a mitmproxy.http.HTTPResponse.

#  Parameters
#  Returns

A Response with the same data as the mitmproxy.http.HTTPResponse.

def from_burp( cls, response:, service: | None = None, request: | None = None) -> Response:
 84    @classmethod
 85    def from_burp(
 86        cls,
 87        response: IHttpResponse,
 88        service: IHttpService | None = None,
 89        request: IHttpRequest | None = None,
 90    ) -> Response:
 91        """Construct an instance of the Response class from a Burp suite :class:`IHttpResponse`."""
 92        body = get_bytes(cast(IByteArray, response.body())) if response.body() else b""
 93        scalpel_response = cls(
 94            always_bytes(response.httpVersion() or "HTTP/1.1"),
 95            response.statusCode(),
 96            always_bytes(response.reasonPhrase() or b""),
 97            Headers.from_burp(response.headers()),
 98            body,
 99            None,
100        )
102        burp_request: IHttpRequest | None = request
103        if burp_request is None:
104            try:
105                # Some responses can have a "initiatingRequest" field.
106                #,initiatingRequest(),-Returns%3A
107                burp_request = response.initiatingRequest()  # type: ignore
108            except AttributeError:
109                pass
111        if burp_request:
112            scalpel_response.request = Request.from_burp(burp_request, service)
114        if not service and burp_request:
115            # The only way to check if the Java method exist without writing Java is catching the error.
116            service = burp_request.httpService()
118        if service:
119            scalpel_response.scheme = "https" if else "http"
120   =
121            scalpel_response.port = service.port()
123        return scalpel_response

Construct an instance of the Response class from a Burp suite IHttpResponse.

def to_burp(self) ->
149    def to_burp(self) -> IHttpResponse:  # pragma: no cover (uses Java API)
150        """Convert the response to a Burp suite :class:`IHttpResponse`."""
151        response_byte_array: IByteArray = PythonUtils.toByteArray(bytes(self))
153        return HttpResponse.httpResponse(response_byte_array)

Convert the response to a Burp suite IHttpResponse.

def from_raw(cls, data: bytes | str) -> Response:
155    @classmethod
156    def from_raw(
157        cls, data: bytes | str
158    ) -> Response:  # pragma: no cover (uses Java API)
159        """Construct an instance of the Response class from raw bytes.
160        :param data: The raw bytes to convert.
161        :return: A :class:`Response` parsed from the raw bytes.
162        """
163        # Use the Burp API to trivialize the parsing of the response from raw bytes.
164        # Convert the raw bytes to a Burp ByteArray.
165        # Plain strings are OK too.
166        str_or_byte_array: IByteArray | str = (
167            data if isinstance(data, str) else PythonUtils.toByteArray(data)
168        )
170        # Instantiate a new Burp HTTP response.
171        burp_response: IHttpResponse = HttpResponse.httpResponse(str_or_byte_array)
173        return cls.from_burp(burp_response)

Construct an instance of the Response class from raw bytes.

#  Parameters
  • data: The raw bytes to convert.
#  Returns

A Response parsed from the raw bytes.

def make( cls, status_code: int = 200, content: bytes | str = b'', headers: Headers | tuple[tuple[bytes, bytes], ...] = (), host: str = '', port: int = 0, scheme: Literal['http', 'https'] = 'http') -> Response:
175    @classmethod
176    def make(
177        cls,
178        status_code: int = 200,
179        content: bytes | str = b"",
180        headers: Headers | tuple[tuple[bytes, bytes], ...] = (),
181        host: str = "",
182        port: int = 0,
183        scheme: Literal["http", "https"] = "http",
184    ) -> "Response":
185        # Use the base/inherited make method to construct a MITMProxy response.
186        mitmproxy_res = MITMProxyResponse.make(status_code, content, headers)
188        res = cls.from_mitmproxy(mitmproxy_res)
189 = host
190        res.scheme = scheme
191        res.port = port
193        return res

Simplified API for creating response objects.

def host_is(self, *patterns: str) -> bool:
195    def host_is(self, *patterns: str) -> bool:
196        """Matches the host against the provided patterns
198        Returns:
199            bool: Whether at least one pattern matched
200        """
201        return host_is(, *patterns)

Matches the host against the provided patterns

Returns: bool: Whether at least one pattern matched

body: bytes | None
203    @property
204    def body(self) -> bytes | None:
205        """Alias for content()
207        Returns:
208            bytes | None: The request body / content
209        """
210        return self.content

Alias for content()

Returns: bytes | None: The request body / content

Inherited Members
class Headers(_internal_mitmproxy.coretypes.multidict._MultiDict[~KT, ~VT], _internal_mitmproxy.coretypes.serializable.Serializable):
16class Headers(MITMProxyHeaders):
17    """A wrapper around the MITMProxy Headers.
19    This class provides additional methods for converting headers between Burp suite and MITMProxy formats.
20    """
22    def __init__(self, fields: Iterable[tuple[bytes, bytes]] | None = None, **headers):
23        """
24        :param fields: The headers to construct the from.
25        :param headers: The headers to construct the from.
26        """
27        # Cannot safely use [] as default param because the reference will be shared with all __init__ calls
28        fields = fields or []
30        # Construct the base/inherited MITMProxy headers.
31        super().__init__(fields, **headers)
33    @classmethod
34    def from_mitmproxy(cls, headers: MITMProxyHeaders) -> Headers:
35        """
36        Creates a `Headers` from a `mitmproxy.http.Headers`.
38        :param headers: The `mitmproxy.http.Headers` to convert.
39        :type headers: :class Headers <>`
40        :return: A `Headers` with the same headers as the `mitmproxy.http.Headers`.
41        """
43        # Construct from the raw MITMProxy headers data.
44        return cls(headers.fields)
46    @classmethod
47    def from_burp(cls, headers: list[IHttpHeader]) -> Headers:  # pragma: no cover
48        """Construct an instance of the Headers class from a Burp suite HttpHeader array.
49        :param headers: The Burp suite HttpHeader array to convert.
50        :return: A Headers with the same headers as the Burp suite HttpHeader array.
51        """
53        # print(f"burp: {headers}")
54        # Convert the list of Burp IHttpHeaders to a list of tuples: (key, value)
55        return cls(
56            (
57                (
58                    always_bytes(,
59                    always_bytes(header.value()),
60                )
61                for header in headers
62            )
63        )
65    def to_burp(self) -> list[IHttpHeader]:  # pragma: no cover
66        """Convert the headers to a Burp suite HttpHeader array.
67        :return: A Burp suite HttpHeader array.
68        """
70        # Convert the list of tuples: (key, value) to a list of Burp IHttpHeaders
71        return [
72            HttpHeader.httpHeader(always_str(header[0]), always_str(header[1]))
73            for header in self.fields
74        ]

A wrapper around the MITMProxy Headers.

This class provides additional methods for converting headers between Burp suite and MITMProxy formats.

Headers(fields: Optional[Iterable[tuple[bytes, bytes]]] = None, **headers)
22    def __init__(self, fields: Iterable[tuple[bytes, bytes]] | None = None, **headers):
23        """
24        :param fields: The headers to construct the from.
25        :param headers: The headers to construct the from.
26        """
27        # Cannot safely use [] as default param because the reference will be shared with all __init__ calls
28        fields = fields or []
30        # Construct the base/inherited MITMProxy headers.
31        super().__init__(fields, **headers)
#  Parameters
  • fields: The headers to construct the from.
  • headers: The headers to construct the from.
def from_mitmproxy( cls, headers: _internal_mitmproxy.http.Headers) -> Headers:
33    @classmethod
34    def from_mitmproxy(cls, headers: MITMProxyHeaders) -> Headers:
35        """
36        Creates a `Headers` from a `mitmproxy.http.Headers`.
38        :param headers: The `mitmproxy.http.Headers` to convert.
39        :type headers: :class Headers <>`
40        :return: A `Headers` with the same headers as the `mitmproxy.http.Headers`.
41        """
43        # Construct from the raw MITMProxy headers data.
44        return cls(headers.fields)

Creates a Headers from a mitmproxy.http.Headers.

#  Parameters
  • headers: The mitmproxy.http.Headers to convert.
#  Returns

A Headers with the same headers as the mitmproxy.http.Headers.

def from_burp( cls, headers: list[]) -> Headers:
46    @classmethod
47    def from_burp(cls, headers: list[IHttpHeader]) -> Headers:  # pragma: no cover
48        """Construct an instance of the Headers class from a Burp suite HttpHeader array.
49        :param headers: The Burp suite HttpHeader array to convert.
50        :return: A Headers with the same headers as the Burp suite HttpHeader array.
51        """
53        # print(f"burp: {headers}")
54        # Convert the list of Burp IHttpHeaders to a list of tuples: (key, value)
55        return cls(
56            (
57                (
58                    always_bytes(,
59                    always_bytes(header.value()),
60                )
61                for header in headers
62            )
63        )

Construct an instance of the Headers class from a Burp suite HttpHeader array.

#  Parameters
  • headers: The Burp suite HttpHeader array to convert.
#  Returns

A Headers with the same headers as the Burp suite HttpHeader array.

def to_burp(self) -> list[]:
65    def to_burp(self) -> list[IHttpHeader]:  # pragma: no cover
66        """Convert the headers to a Burp suite HttpHeader array.
67        :return: A Burp suite HttpHeader array.
68        """
70        # Convert the list of tuples: (key, value) to a list of Burp IHttpHeaders
71        return [
72            HttpHeader.httpHeader(always_str(header[0]), always_str(header[1]))
73            for header in self.fields
74        ]

Convert the headers to a Burp suite HttpHeader array.

#  Returns

A Burp suite HttpHeader array.

Inherited Members
class Flow:
10class Flow:
11    """Contains request and response and some utilities for match()"""
13    def __init__(
14        self,
15        scheme: Literal["http", "https"] = "http",
16        host: str = "",
17        port: int = 0,
18        request: Request | None = None,
19        response: Response | None = None,
20        text: bytes | None = None,
21    ):
22        self.scheme = scheme
23 = host
24        self.port = port
25        self.request = request
26        self.response = response
27        self.text = text
29    def host_is(self, *patterns: str) -> bool:
30        """Matches a wildcard pattern against the target host
32        Returns:
33            bool: True if at least one pattern matched
34        """
35        return host_is(, *patterns)
37    def path_is(self, *patterns: str) -> bool:
38        """Matches a wildcard pattern against the request path
40        Includes query string `?` and fragment `#`
42        Returns:
43            bool: True if at least one pattern matched
44        """
45        req = self.request
46        if req is None:
47            return False
49        return req.path_is(*patterns)

Contains request and response and some utilities for match()

Flow( scheme: Literal['http', 'https'] = 'http', host: str = '', port: int = 0, request: Request | None = None, response: Response | None = None, text: bytes | None = None)
13    def __init__(
14        self,
15        scheme: Literal["http", "https"] = "http",
16        host: str = "",
17        port: int = 0,
18        request: Request | None = None,
19        response: Response | None = None,
20        text: bytes | None = None,
21    ):
22        self.scheme = scheme
23 = host
24        self.port = port
25        self.request = request
26        self.response = response
27        self.text = text
def host_is(self, *patterns: str) -> bool:
29    def host_is(self, *patterns: str) -> bool:
30        """Matches a wildcard pattern against the target host
32        Returns:
33            bool: True if at least one pattern matched
34        """
35        return host_is(, *patterns)

Matches a wildcard pattern against the target host

Returns: bool: True if at least one pattern matched

def path_is(self, *patterns: str) -> bool:
37    def path_is(self, *patterns: str) -> bool:
38        """Matches a wildcard pattern against the request path
40        Includes query string `?` and fragment `#`
42        Returns:
43            bool: True if at least one pattern matched
44        """
45        req = self.request
46        if req is None:
47            return False
49        return req.path_is(*patterns)

Matches a wildcard pattern against the request path

Includes query string ? and fragment #

Returns: bool: True if at least one pattern matched

def host_is(host: str, *patterns: str) -> bool:
21def host_is(host: str, *patterns: str) -> bool:
22    """Matches a host using unix-like wildcard matching against multiple patterns
24    Args:
25        host (str): The host to match against
26        patterns (str): The patterns to use
28    Returns:
29        bool: The match result (True if at least one pattern matches, else False)
30    """
31    return match_patterns(host, *patterns)

Matches a host using unix-like wildcard matching against multiple patterns

Args: host (str): The host to match against patterns (str): The patterns to use

Returns: bool: The match result (True if at least one pattern matches, else False)

def match_patterns(to_match: str, *patterns: str) -> bool:
 5def match_patterns(to_match: str, *patterns: str) -> bool:
 6    """Matches a string using unix-like wildcard matching against multiple patterns
 8    Args:
 9        to_match (str): The string to match against
10        patterns (str): The patterns to use
12    Returns:
13        bool: The match result (True if at least one pattern matches, else False)
14    """
15    for pattern in patterns:
16        if fnmatch(to_match, pattern):
17            return True
18    return False

Matches a string using unix-like wildcard matching against multiple patterns

Args: to_match (str): The string to match against patterns (str): The patterns to use

Returns: bool: The match result (True if at least one pattern matches, else False)