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$$$getRootComponent$$$() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
$$$setupUI$$$() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
Method generated by IntelliJ IDEA GUI Designer >>> IMPORTANT!! <<< DO NOT edit this method OR call it in your code!


AbstractEditor - Class in lexfo.scalpel.editors
Base class for implementing Scalpel editors It handles all the Python stuff and only leaves the content setter/getter, modification checker and selection parts abstract That way, if you wish to implement you own editor, you only have to add logic specific to it (get/set, selected data, has content been modified by user ?)
AbstractEditor(String, Boolean, MontoyaApi, EditorCreationContext, EditorType, ScalpelEditorTabbedPane, ScalpelExecutor) - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.editors.AbstractEditor
Constructs a new Scalpel editor.
addCheckboxSetting(String, String, boolean) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.components.SettingsPanel
addDropdownSetting(String, String, String[], String) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.components.SettingsPanel
addEditorToDisplayedTabs(IMessageEditor) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
Adds the editor to the tabbed pane If the editor caption is blank, the displayed name will be the tab index.
addError(String) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.components.ErrorPopup
addInformationText(String) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.components.SettingsPanel
addListDoubleClickListener(JList<T>, Consumer<ListSelectionEvent>) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
JList doesn't natively support double click events, so we implment it ourselves.
addListener(Consumer<Map<String, String>>) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.components.SettingsPanel
addSettingComponent(String, String, JComponent) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.components.SettingsPanel
addTask(String, Object[], Map<String, Object>) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
Adds a new task to the queue of tasks to be executed by the script.
addTask(String, Object[], Map<String, Object>, boolean) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
Adds a new task to the queue of tasks to be executed by the script.
addTextFieldSetting(String, String, String) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.components.SettingsPanel
addVentText - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
addVenvButton - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
addVenvPath(Path) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
adjustTabBarVisibility() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
all(String) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelLogger
ALL - Enum constant in enum class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelLogger.Level
annotations - Variable in record class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor.CallableData
The field for the annotations record component.
annotations() - Method in record class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor.CallableData
Returns the value of the annotations record component.
API - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
API - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.AbstractEditor
The Montoya API object.
API - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Scalpel
The MontoyaApi object used to interact with Burp Suite.
API - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorProvider
The MontoyaApi object used to interact with Burp Suite.
API - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
The Montoya API object.
API - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
The MontoyaApi object to use for sending and receiving HTTP messages.
API - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelHttpRequestHandler
appendToDebugInfo(String) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
args - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor.Task
The arguments passed to the task.
Async - Class in lexfo.scalpel
Async() - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.Async
await() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor.Task
Add the task to the queue and wait for it to be completed by the task thread.
awaitTask(String, Object[], Map<String, Object>, Class<T>) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
Awaits the result of a task.


base - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor.CustomEnquirer
The base ClassEnquirer to use.
BASH_INIT_FILE_PATH - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.RessourcesUnpacker
binaryDataToByteArray(BinaryData) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.ScalpelGenericBinaryEditor
Convert from BinEd format to Burp format
browsePanel - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
burpFrame - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
byteArrayToBinaryData(ByteArray) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.ScalpelGenericBinaryEditor
Convert from Burp format to BinEd format


call() - Method in interface lexfo.scalpel.IO.IOSupplier
CallableData(String, HashMap<String, String>) - Constructor for record class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor.CallableData
Creates an instance of a CallableData record class.
callEditorHook(HttpMessage, HttpService, ByteArray, Boolean, String) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
Calls the corresponding Python callback for the given tab.
callEditorHook(HttpMessage, HttpService, Boolean, String) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
Calls the corresponding Python callback for the given tab.
callEditorHook(Object[], Boolean, Boolean, String, Class<T>) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
Calls the corresponding Python callback for the given tab.
callEditorHook(Object, HttpService, Boolean, Boolean, String, Class<T>) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
Calls the corresponding Python callback for the given tab.
callEditorHookInRequest(HttpRequest, HttpService, String) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
Calls the corresponding Python callback for the given tab.
callEditorHookInResponse(HttpResponse, HttpRequest, HttpService, String) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
Calls the corresponding Python callback for the given tab.
callEditorHookOutRequest(HttpRequest, HttpService, ByteArray, String) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
Calls the corresponding Python callback for the given tab.
callEditorHookOutResponse(HttpResponse, HttpRequest, HttpService, ByteArray, String) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
Calls the corresponding Python callback for the given tab.
callIntercepterHook(T, HttpService) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
Calls the corresponding Python callback for the given message intercepted by Proxy.
caption() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.AbstractEditor
Returns the name of the tab.
caption() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
Returns the name of the tab.
changeListeners - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.components.SettingsPanel
clearOutputs(String) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
clearPipCache(Path) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Venv
cmdFormat(String, Object, Object) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
CommandChecker - Class in lexfo.scalpel
Provides utilities to get default commands.
CommandChecker() - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.CommandChecker
config - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
config - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Scalpel
config - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
Config - Class in lexfo.scalpel
Scalpel configuration.
Config(MontoyaApi) - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.Config
CONFIG_EXT - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
Config._GlobalData - Class in lexfo.scalpel
Global configuration.
Config._ProjectData - Class in lexfo.scalpel
ConfigTab - Class in lexfo.scalpel
Burp tab handling Scalpel configuration IntelliJ's GUI designer is needed to edit most components.
ConfigTab(MontoyaApi, ScalpelExecutor, Config, Theme) - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
Constants - Class in lexfo.scalpel
Contains constants used by the extension.
Constants() - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
constructConfigTab(MontoyaApi, ScalpelExecutor, Config, Theme) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.UIBuilder
Constructs the configuration Burp tab.
constructScalpelInterpreterTab(Config, ScalpelExecutor) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.UIBuilder
Constructs the debug Python testing Burp tab.
contains(Charset) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.DisplayableWhiteSpaceCharset
copyScriptToWorkspace(Path, Path) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Workspace
Copy the script to the selected workspace
copyToClipboardButton - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
copyWorkspaceFiles(Path) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Workspace
create(Path) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Venv
Create a virtual environment.
createAndInitWorkspace(Path, Optional<Path>, Optional<Terminal>) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Workspace
createAndInstallDefaults(Path) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Venv
Create a virtual environment and install the default packages.
createButton - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
createExceptionFromProcess(Process, String, String) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Workspace
createSettingsProvider(Theme) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Terminal
createTerminal(Theme, String) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Terminal
Creates a JediTermWidget that will run a shell in the virtualenv.
createTerminal(Theme, String, String, String) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Terminal
Creates a JediTermWidget that will run a shell in the virtualenv.
createTerminalWidget(Theme, String, Optional<String>, Optional<String>) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Terminal
createTtyConnector(String) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Terminal
Creates a TtyConnector that will run a shell in the virtualenv.
createTtyConnector(String, Optional<Dimension>, Optional<String>, Optional<String>) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Terminal
Creates a TtyConnector that will run a shell in the virtualenv.
createUIComponents() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
ctx - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.AbstractEditor
The editor creation context.
ctx - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
The editor creation context.
CustomEnquirer() - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor.CustomEnquirer
Constructs a new CustomEnquirer object.


DARK_COLORS - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Palette
DARK_PALETTE - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Palette
DATA_DIR_PATH - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.RessourcesUnpacker
DATA_DIRNAME - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.RessourcesUnpacker
DATA_PREFIX - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
DATA_PROJECT_ID_KEY - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
debug(String) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelLogger
Logs the specified message to the Burp Suite output and standard output at the DEBUG level.
DEBUG - Enum constant in enum class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelLogger.Level
debugInfoTextPane - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
decodeLoop(ByteBuffer, CharBuffer) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.WhitspaceCharsetDecoder
DEFAULT_EDITOR_MODE - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
DEFAULT_LINUX_OPEN_DIR_CMD - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
DEFAULT_LINUX_OPEN_FILE_CMD - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
DEFAULT_LINUX_TERM_EDIT_CMD - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
DEFAULT_OPEN_DIR_CMD - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
DEFAULT_OPEN_FILE_CMD - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
DEFAULT_SCRIPT_FILENAME - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.RessourcesUnpacker
DEFAULT_SCRIPT_PATH - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.RessourcesUnpacker
DEFAULT_TERM_EDIT_CMD - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
DEFAULT_TERMINAL_EDITOR - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
DEFAULT_UNIX_SHELL - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
DEFAULT_VENV_DEPENDENCIES - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
Required python packages
DEFAULT_VENV_NAME - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Workspace
DEFAULT_WINDOWS_EDITOR - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
DEFAULT_WINDOWS_OPEN_DIR_CMD - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
DEFAULT_WINDOWS_OPEN_FILE_CMD - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
DEFAULT_WINDOWS_TERM_EDIT_CMD - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
defaultScriptPath - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Config._GlobalData
defaultWorkspacePath - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Config._GlobalData
delete(Path) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Venv
Delete a virtual environment.
direction - Variable in record class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane.PartialHookTabInfo
The field for the direction record component.
direction() - Method in record class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane.PartialHookTabInfo
Returns the value of the direction record component.
directions - Variable in record class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane.HookTabInfo
The field for the directions record component.
directions() - Method in record class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane.HookTabInfo
Returns the value of the directions record component.
disable() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
DisplayableWhiteSpaceCharset - Class in lexfo.scalpel.editors
DisplayableWhiteSpaceCharset() - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.editors.DisplayableWhiteSpaceCharset
displayErrors() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.components.ErrorPopup
displayProxyErrorPopup - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Config._ProjectData
dumpConfig() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
dumps(Object) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Terminal


editor - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.ScalpelGenericBinaryEditor
editor - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.ScalpelRawEditor
EDITOR_MODE_ANNOTATION_KEY - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
editorProvider - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
editors - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
editorsRefs - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorProvider
EditorType - Enum Class in lexfo.scalpel
Enum used by editors to identify themselves
EditorType() - Constructor for enum class lexfo.scalpel.EditorType
editScriptCommand - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Config._GlobalData
empty() - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Result
enable() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
encodeLoop(CharBuffer, ByteBuffer) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.WhitspaceCharsetEncoder
equals(Object) - Method in record class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane.HookTabInfo
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane.PartialHookTabInfo
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor.CallableData
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
error - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Result
error(E) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Result
error(String) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelLogger
Logs the specified message to the Burp Suite error output and standard error.
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelLogger.Level
errorArea - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.components.ErrorPopup
ErrorDialog - Class in lexfo.scalpel.components
ErrorDialog() - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.components.ErrorDialog
errorMessages - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.components.ErrorPopup
errorPane - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.AbstractEditor
ErrorPopup - Class in lexfo.scalpel.components
ErrorPopup(MontoyaApi) - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.components.ErrorPopup
escapeshellarg(String) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Terminal
evalAndCaptureOutput(String) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
Evaluates the given script and returns the output.
exceptionToErrorMsg(Throwable, String) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelLogger
executeHook(HttpRequestResponse) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.AbstractEditor
executeHook(HttpRequestResponse) - Method in interface lexfo.scalpel.editors.IMessageEditor
executePythonCommand(String) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.PythonSetup
executor - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Async
executor - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.AbstractEditor
The executor responsible for interacting with Python.
executor - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Scalpel
The ScalpelExecutor object used to execute Python scripts.
executor - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorProvider
The ScalpelExecutor object used to execute Python scripts.
executor - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
The executor responsible for interacting with Python.
executor - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelHttpRequestHandler
The ScalpelExecutor object used to execute Python scripts.
extractBinary(String) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.CommandChecker
extractRessources(String, String, Set<String>) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.RessourcesUnpacker
Extracts the Scalpel python resources from the Scalpel JAR file.
extractRessourcesToHome() - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.RessourcesUnpacker
Initializes the Scalpel resources directory.


fatal(String) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelLogger
Logs the specified message to the Burp Suite output and standard output at the FATAL level.
FATAL - Enum constant in enum class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelLogger.Level
filterEditorHooks(List<ScalpelExecutor.CallableData>) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
Retain hooks for editing a request / response and parses them.
findBinaryInPath(String) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
findJdkPath() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
Tries to get the JDK path from PATH, usual install locations, or by prompting the user.
findMontoyaInterface(Class<?>, HashSet<Class<?>>) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.UnObfuscator
finished - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor.Task
Whether the task has been completed.
flatMap(Function<? super T, Result<U, E>>) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Result
forceGarbageCollection() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorProvider
framework - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
The path of the Scalpel framework that will be used to execute the script.
FRAMEWORK_PATH - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.RessourcesUnpacker
FRAMEWORK_REQ_CB_NAME - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
Callback prefix for request intercepters.
FRAMEWORK_REQ_EDIT_PREFIX - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
Callback prefix for request editors.
FRAMEWORK_RES_CB_NAME - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
Callback prefix for response intercepters.
FRAMEWORK_RES_EDIT_PREFIX - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
Callback prefix for response editors.
frameworkBrowseButton - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
frameworkConfigPanel - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
frameworkPathField - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
frameworkPathTextArea - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab


gbc - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.components.SettingsPanel
GET_CB_NAME - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
getAvailableCommand(String...) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.CommandChecker
getBackgroundByColorIndex(int) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Palette
getCallables() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
getCallables() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
getClassName(Object) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.UnObfuscator
Finds a Montoya interface in the specified class, its superclasses or interfaces, and return its name.
getClassNames(String) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor.CustomEnquirer
Gets the names of all the classes in a package.
getCtx() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.AbstractEditor
Returns the editor's creation context.
getCtx() - Method in interface lexfo.scalpel.editors.IMessageEditor
getCtx() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
Returns the editor's creation context.
getDefaultGlobalData() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
Get the global configuration.
getDefaultIncludePath() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
getDefaultProjectData() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
Get the project configuration.
getDefaultWorkspace() - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Workspace
getDisplayProxyErrorPopup() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
getEditorCallbackName(Boolean, Boolean) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
Returns the name of the corresponding Python callback for the given tab.
getEditorContent() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.AbstractEditor
Get the editor's content
getEditorContent() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.ScalpelGenericBinaryEditor
getEditorContent() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.ScalpelRawEditor
getEditorType() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.AbstractEditor
Returns the editor type (REQUEST or RESPONSE).
getEditorType() - Method in interface lexfo.scalpel.editors.IMessageEditor
getEditorType() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
Returns the editor type (REQUEST or RESPONSE).
getEditScriptCommand() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
getError() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Result
getExecutablePath(Path, String) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Venv
getForegroundByColorIndex(int) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Palette
getFrameworkPath() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
getGlobalConfigFile() - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
Get the global configuration file.
getHookPrefix(String) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
getHookSuffix(String) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
getHttpService() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.AbstractEditor
Get the network informations associated with the editor Gets the HttpService from requestResponse and falls back to request if it is null
getHttpService() - Method in interface lexfo.scalpel.editors.IMessageEditor
getHttpService() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
Get the network informations associated with the editor Gets the HttpService from requestResponse and falls back to request if it is null
getId() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.AbstractEditor
Returns the editor's unique ID.
getId() - Method in interface lexfo.scalpel.editors.IMessageEditor
getId() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
Returns the editor's unique ID.
getInstalledPackages(Path) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Venv
Get the list of installed packages in a virtual environment.
getInstance() - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
Provides access to the singleton instance of the Config class.
getInstance() - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
getInstance(MontoyaApi) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
Provides access to the singleton instance of the Config class.
getInstance(Optional<MontoyaApi>) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
Provides access to the singleton instance of the Config class.
getJdkPath() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
getLastModified() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
Get the last modification time of the project configuration file.
getLogLevel() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
getMessage() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.AbstractEditor
Returns the HTTP message being edited.
getMessage() - Method in interface lexfo.scalpel.editors.IMessageEditor
getMessage() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
Returns the HTTP message being edited.
getMessageCbName(T) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
Returns the name of the corresponding Python callback for the given message intercepted by Proxy.
getOpenFolderCommand() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
getOpenScriptCommand() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
getOrCreateDefaultWorkspace(Path) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Workspace
Get the default workspace path.
getPane() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
Returns the Burp editor object.
getPipPath(Path) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Venv
getPythonVersion() - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.PythonSetup
getRequest() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.AbstractEditor
Creates a new HTTP request by passing the editor's contents through a Python callback.
getRequest() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
Creates a new HTTP request by passing the editor's contents through a Python callback.
getRequestResponse() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.AbstractEditor
Returns the stored HttpRequestResponse.
getRequestResponse() - Method in interface lexfo.scalpel.editors.IMessageEditor
getRequestResponse() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
Returns the stored HttpRequestResponse.
getResponse() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.AbstractEditor
Creates a new HTTP response by passing the editor's contents through a Python callback.
getResponse() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
Creates a new HTTP response by passing the editor's contents through a Python callback.
getRunningJarPath() - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.RessourcesUnpacker
Returns the path to the Scalpel JAR file.
getScalpelDir() - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Workspace
Get the scalpel configuration directory.
getSelectedWorkspacePath() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
getSettingsValues() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.components.SettingsPanel
getSitePackagesPath(Path) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Venv
getSubPackages(String) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor.CustomEnquirer
Gets the names of all the sub-packages of a package.
getTabNameOffsetInHookName(String) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
getUiComponent() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.AbstractEditor
getUiComponent() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.ScalpelGenericBinaryEditor
Returns the underlying UI component.
getUiComponent() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.ScalpelRawEditor
Returns the underlying UI component.
getUsedPythonBin() - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.PythonSetup
getUserScriptPath() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
getValue() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Result
getVenvDir(Path) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Workspace
getVenvPaths() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
getWorkspacesDir() - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Workspace
Get the default venvs directory.
globalConfig - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
guessJdkPath() - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Config


handleBrowseButtonClick(Supplier<Path>, Consumer<Path>) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
handleEnableButton() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
handleHttpRequestToBeSent(HttpRequestToBeSent) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelHttpRequestHandler
Handles HTTP requests.
handleHttpResponseReceived(HttpResponseReceived) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelHttpRequestHandler
Handles HTTP responses.
handleNewScriptButton() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
handleOpenScriptButton() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
handleOpenScriptFolderButton() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
handleScriptListSelectionEvent() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
handleVenvButton() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
handleVenvListSelectionEvent(ListSelectionEvent) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
hasConfigChanged() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
hasFrameworkChanged() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
Checks if the framework file has been modified since the last check.
hashCode() - Method in record class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane.HookTabInfo
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane.PartialHookTabInfo
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor.CallableData
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hasIncludeDir(Path) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
hasScriptChanged() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
Checks if the script file has been modified since the last check.
hasValue() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Result
helpTextPane - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
HEX_EDITOR_MODE - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
hookInPrefix - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
req_edit_in_ or res_edit_in_
hookOutPrefix - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
req_edit_out_ or res_edit_out_
hookPrefix - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
req_edit_ or res_edit
HookTabInfo(String, String, Set<String>) - Constructor for record class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane.HookTabInfo
Creates an instance of a HookTabInfo record class.


id - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.AbstractEditor
The editor ID.
id - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
The editor ID.
ifEmpty(Runnable) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Result
ifError(Consumer<E>) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Result
ifSuccess(Consumer<T>) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Result
IMessageEditor - Interface in lexfo.scalpel.editors
Interface declaring all the necessary methods to implement a Scalpel editor If you wish to implement your own type of editor, you should use the AbstractEditor class as a base.
IN_SUFFIX - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
Callback suffix for HttpMessage-to-bytes convertion.
inError - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.AbstractEditor
info(String) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelLogger
Logs the specified message to the Burp Suite output and standard output at the INFO level.
INFO - Enum constant in enum class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelLogger.Level
initGlobalConfig() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
initialize(MontoyaApi) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Scalpel
Initializes the extension.
initInterpreter() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
Initializes the interpreter.
initProjectConfig() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
install(Path, String...) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Venv
Install a package in a virtual environment.
install(Path, Map<String, String>, String...) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Venv
Install a package in a virtual environment.
install_background(Path, String...) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Venv
Install a package in a virtual environment in a new thread.
install_background(Path, Map<String, String>, String...) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Venv
Install a package in a virtual environment.
installDefaults(Path) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Venv
installDefaults(Path, Map<String, String>, Boolean) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Venv
instance - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
instance - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
IO - Class in lexfo.scalpel
Utilities to perform IO utilities conveniently
IO() - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.IO
IO.IORunnable - Interface in lexfo.scalpel
IO.IOSupplier<T> - Interface in lexfo.scalpel
ioWrap(IO.IOSupplier<T>) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.IO
ioWrap(IO.IOSupplier<T>, Supplier<T>) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.IO
isCommandAvailable(String) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.CommandChecker
isEmpty - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Result
isEmpty() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Result
isEnabled - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
isEnabled() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
isEnabledFor(HttpRequestResponse) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.AbstractEditor
Determines whether the editor should be enabled for the provided HttpRequestResponse.
isEnabledFor(HttpRequestResponse) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
Determines whether the editor should be enabled for the provided HttpRequestResponse.
isFinished() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor.Task
isJavaPackage(String) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor.CustomEnquirer
Determines whether a string represents a valid Java package.
isJepInstalled(Path) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Workspace
If a previous install failed because python dependencies were not installed, this will be false, in this case, we just try to resume the install.
isModified() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.AbstractEditor
Returns whether the editor has been modified since the last time it was programatically set (called by Burp)
isModified() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.ScalpelGenericBinaryEditor
Returns whether the editor has been modified.
isModified() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.ScalpelRawEditor
Returns whether the editor has been modified.
isModified() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
Returns whether the editor has been modified.
isRunnerAlive - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
Flag indicating whether the task runner loop is running.
isRunnerStarting - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
isRunning() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
isStarting() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
isSuccess() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Result


jdkPath - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Config._GlobalData


keyToLabel - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.components.SettingsPanel
kwargs - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor.Task
The keyword arguments passed to the task.


lastConfigModificationTimestamp - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
lastFrameworkModificationTimestamp - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
The timestamp of the last recorded modification to the framework file.
lastModified - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
lastScriptModificationTimestamp - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
The timestamp of the last recorded modification to the script file.
launchOpenScriptCommand(Path) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
launchTaskRunner() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
Launches the task runner thread.
Level(int) - Constructor for enum class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelLogger.Level
lexfo.scalpel - package lexfo.scalpel
lexfo.scalpel.components - package lexfo.scalpel.components
lexfo.scalpel.editors - package lexfo.scalpel.editors
LIGHT_COLORS - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Palette
LIGHT_PALETTE - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Palette
linkifyURLs(String) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.components.ErrorDialog
listPannel - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
loadLibPython3() - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.PythonSetup
log(String) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelLogger
Logs the specified message to the Burp Suite output and standard output at the TRACE level.
log(ScalpelLogger.Level, String) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelLogger
Logs the specified message to the Burp Suite output and standard output.
logConfig(Config) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Scalpel
logFatalStackTrace(Throwable) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelLogger
logger - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelLogger
loggerLevel - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelLogger
Configured log level
logLevel - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Config._GlobalData
logStackTrace() - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelLogger
Logs the current thread stack trace to the Burp Suite error output and standard error.
logStackTrace(Boolean) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelLogger
Logs the current thread stack trace to either the Burp Suite output and standard output or the Burp Suite error output and standard error.
logStackTrace(String, Throwable) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelLogger
Logs the specified throwable stack trace to the Burp Suite error output and standard error.
logStackTrace(Throwable) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelLogger
Logs the specified throwable stack trace to the Burp Suite error output and standard error.


main(String[]) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.components.PlaceholderTextField
map(Function<? super T, ? extends U>) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Result
mapper - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.IO
mergeHookTabInfo(Stream<ScalpelEditorTabbedPane.PartialHookTabInfo>) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
Takes all the hooks infos and merge the corresponding ones E.g: Given the hook req_edit_in_tab1 To create a tab, we need to know if req_edit_in_tab1 has a corresponding req_edit_out_tab1 The editor mode (raw or hex) must be taken from the req_edit_in_tab1 annotations (@edit("hex"))
MIN_SUPPORTED_PYTHON_VERSION - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
mode - Variable in record class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane.HookTabInfo
The field for the mode record component.
mode - Variable in record class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane.PartialHookTabInfo
The field for the mode record component.
mode() - Method in record class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane.HookTabInfo
Returns the value of the mode record component.
mode() - Method in record class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane.PartialHookTabInfo
Returns the value of the mode record component.
modeToEditorMap - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
mustReload() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
Checks if either the framework or user script file has been modified since the last check.
myColors - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Palette


name - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.AbstractEditor
name - Variable in record class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane.HookTabInfo
The field for the name record component.
name - Variable in record class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane.PartialHookTabInfo
The field for the name record component.
name - Variable in record class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor.CallableData
The field for the name record component.
name - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor.Task
The name of the task.
name - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Venv.PackageInfo
name() - Method in record class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane.HookTabInfo
Returns the value of the name record component.
name() - Method in record class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane.PartialHookTabInfo
Returns the value of the name record component.
name() - Method in record class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor.CallableData
Returns the value of the name record component.
names - Static variable in enum class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelLogger.Level
nameToLevel - Static variable in enum class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelLogger.Level
NATIVE_LIBJEP_FILE - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
JEP native library filename
newDecoder() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.DisplayableWhiteSpaceCharset
newEncoder() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.DisplayableWhiteSpaceCharset
notifyChangeListeners() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.components.SettingsPanel
notifyEventLoop() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor


oldContent - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.ScalpelGenericBinaryEditor
openEditorInTerminal(Path) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
Opens the script in a terminal editor
openFolderButton - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
openFolderCommand - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Config._GlobalData
openIssueOnGitHubButton - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
openScriptButton - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
openScriptCommand - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Config._GlobalData
or(Result<T, E>) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Result
orElse(T) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Result
orElseGet(Supplier<? extends T>) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Result
originalDecoder - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.WhitspaceCharsetDecoder
originalEncoder - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.WhitspaceCharsetEncoder
OUT_SUFFIX - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
Callback suffix for bytes to HttpMessage convertion.
outError - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.AbstractEditor
outputTabPanel - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab


PackageInfo() - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.Venv.PackageInfo
packagesTable - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.components.PlaceholderTextField
Palette - Class in lexfo.scalpel
Color palette for the embedded terminal Contains colors for both light and dark theme
Palette(Color[]) - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.Palette
pane - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
The editor swing UI component.
PartialHookTabInfo(String, String, String) - Constructor for record class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane.PartialHookTabInfo
Creates an instance of a PartialHookTabInfo record class.
PERSISTED_FRAMEWORK - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
Persistence key for the cached framework path.
PERSISTED_SCRIPT - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
Persistence key for the cached user script path.
PERSISTENCE_PREFIX - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
Scalpel prefix for the persistence databases.
PIP_BIN - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
placeholder - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.components.PlaceholderTextField
PlaceholderTextField - Class in lexfo.scalpel.components
PlaceholderTextField(String) - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.components.PlaceholderTextField
popup - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelHttpRequestHandler
PREFERRED_PYTHON_VERSION - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
println(Terminal, String) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Workspace
processOutboundMessage() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.AbstractEditor
Creates a new HTTP message by passing the editor's contents through a Python callback.
processOutboundMessage() - Method in interface lexfo.scalpel.editors.IMessageEditor
processOutboundMessage() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
Creates a new HTTP message by passing the editor's contents through a Python callback.
processTask(SubInterpreter, ScalpelExecutor.Task) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
projectConfig - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
projectID - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
projectScalpelConfig - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
provideHttpRequestEditor(EditorCreationContext) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorProvider
Provides a new ExtensionProvidedHttpRequestEditor object for editing an HTTP request.
provideHttpResponseEditor(EditorCreationContext) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorProvider
Provides a new ExtensionProvidedHttpResponseEditor object for editing an HTTP response.
provider - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.AbstractEditor
The editor provider that instantiated this editor.
provider - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
The editor provider that instantiated this editor.
pushCharToOutput(int, boolean) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
Push a character to a stdout or stderr text area.
putStringToOutput(String, boolean) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
PYSCALPEL_PATH - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.RessourcesUnpacker
PYTHON_BIN - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
Python 3 executable filename
PYTHON_DEPENDENCIES - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
PYTHON_DIRNAME - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.RessourcesUnpacker
PYTHON_PATH - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.RessourcesUnpacker
PythonSetup - Class in lexfo.scalpel
Utilities to initialize Java Embedded Python (jep)
PythonSetup() - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.PythonSetup
pythonStderr - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
pythonStdout - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
PythonUtils - Class in lexfo.scalpel
Utility class for Python scripts.
PythonUtils() - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.PythonUtils


RAW_EDITOR_MODE - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
readConfigFile(File, Class<T>) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
readJSON(File, Class<T>) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.IO
readJSON(File, Class<T>, Consumer<IOException>) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.IO
readJSON(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.IO
recreateEditors() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
Recreates the editors tabs.
recreateEditorsAsync() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
Recreates the editors tabs asynchronously.
reject() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor.Task
reject(Throwable) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor.Task
reject(Optional<Throwable>) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor.Task
rejectAllTasks() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
removeVenvPath(Path) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
REQ_CB_NAME - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
REQ_EDIT_PREFIX - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
REQUEST - Enum constant in enum class lexfo.scalpel.EditorType
Indicates an editor for an HTTP request.
RES_CB_NAME - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
RES_EDIT_PREFIX - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
resetChangeIndicators() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
resetEditors() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorProvider
resetEditorsAsync() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorProvider
resetTerminalButton - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
resolve(Object) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor.Task
RESPONSE - Enum constant in enum class lexfo.scalpel.EditorType
Indicates an editor for an HTTP response.
RESSOURCES_DIRNAME - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.RessourcesUnpacker
RESSOURCES_PATH - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.RessourcesUnpacker
RESSOURCES_TO_COPY - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.RessourcesUnpacker
RessourcesUnpacker - Class in lexfo.scalpel
Provides methods for unpacking the Scalpel resources.
RessourcesUnpacker() - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.RessourcesUnpacker
result - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor.Task
An optional object containing the result of the task, if it has been completed.
Result<T,E extends Throwable> - Class in lexfo.scalpel
Optional-style class for handling python task results A completed python task can have multiple outcomes: - The task completes successfully and returns a value - The task completes successfully but returns no value - The task throws an exception Result allows us to handle returned values and errors uniformly to handle them when needed.
Result(T, E, boolean) - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.Result
rootPanel - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
rootPanel - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.AbstractEditor
run() - Method in interface lexfo.scalpel.IO.IORunnable
run(Runnable) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Async
run(IO.IORunnable) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.IO
runner - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
The task runner thread.


safeCloseInterpreter(SubInterpreter) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
safeJepInvoke(String, Class<T>) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
Calls the given Python function without any argument.
safeJepInvoke(String, Object[], Map<String, Object>, Class<T>) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
Calls the given Python function with the given arguments and keyword arguments.
safeJepInvoke(String, Object, Class<T>) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
Calls the given Python function with the given argument.
SAMPLES_DIRNAME - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.RessourcesUnpacker
SAMPLES_PATH - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.RessourcesUnpacker
sanitizeHTML(String) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.components.ErrorDialog
saveAllConfig() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
Write the global and project configuration to their respective files.
saveGlobalConfig() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
Write the global configuration to the global configuration file.
saveProjectConfig() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
Write the project configuration to the project configuration file.
Scalpel - Class in lexfo.scalpel
The main class of the extension.
Scalpel() - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.Scalpel
ScalpelBinaryEditor - Class in lexfo.scalpel.editors
ScalpelBinaryEditor(String, Boolean, MontoyaApi, EditorCreationContext, EditorType, ScalpelEditorTabbedPane, ScalpelExecutor) - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.editors.ScalpelBinaryEditor
ScalpelDecimalEditor - Class in lexfo.scalpel.editors
ScalpelDecimalEditor(String, Boolean, MontoyaApi, EditorCreationContext, EditorType, ScalpelEditorTabbedPane, ScalpelExecutor) - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.editors.ScalpelDecimalEditor
ScalpelEditorProvider - Class in lexfo.scalpel
Provides a new ScalpelProvidedEditor object for editing HTTP requests or responses.
ScalpelEditorProvider(MontoyaApi, ScalpelExecutor) - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorProvider
Constructs a new ScalpelEditorProvider object with the specified MontoyaApi object and ScalpelExecutor object.
ScalpelEditorTabbedPane - Class in lexfo.scalpel
Provides an UI text editor component for editing HTTP requests or responses.
ScalpelEditorTabbedPane(MontoyaApi, EditorCreationContext, EditorType, ScalpelEditorProvider, ScalpelExecutor) - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
Constructs a new Scalpel editor.
ScalpelEditorTabbedPane.HookTabInfo - Record Class in lexfo.scalpel
This stores all the informations required to create a tab.
ScalpelEditorTabbedPane.PartialHookTabInfo - Record Class in lexfo.scalpel
A tab can be associated with at most two hooks (e.g req_edit_in and req_edit_out) This stores the informations related to only one hook and is later merged with the second hook information into a HookTabInfo
scalpelExecutor - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
ScalpelExecutor - Class in lexfo.scalpel
Responds to requested Python tasks from multiple threads through a task queue handled in a single sepearate thread.
ScalpelExecutor(MontoyaApi, Config) - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
Constructs a new ScalpelExecutor object.
ScalpelExecutor.CallableData - Record Class in lexfo.scalpel
ScalpelExecutor.CustomEnquirer - Class in lexfo.scalpel
A custom ClassEnquirer for the Jep interpreter used by the script executor.
ScalpelExecutor.Task - Class in lexfo.scalpel
A class representing a task to be executed by the Scalpel script.
ScalpelGenericBinaryEditor - Class in lexfo.scalpel.editors
Hexadecimal editor implementation for a Scalpel editor Users can press their keyboard's INSER key to enter insertion mode (which is impossible in Burp's native hex editor)
ScalpelGenericBinaryEditor(String, Boolean, MontoyaApi, EditorCreationContext, EditorType, ScalpelEditorTabbedPane, ScalpelExecutor, CodeType) - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.editors.ScalpelGenericBinaryEditor
Constructs a new Scalpel editor.
ScalpelHexEditor - Class in lexfo.scalpel.editors
ScalpelHexEditor(String, Boolean, MontoyaApi, EditorCreationContext, EditorType, ScalpelEditorTabbedPane, ScalpelExecutor) - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.editors.ScalpelHexEditor
ScalpelHttpRequestHandler - Class in lexfo.scalpel
Handles HTTP requests and responses.
ScalpelHttpRequestHandler(MontoyaApi, ScalpelEditorProvider, ScalpelExecutor) - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelHttpRequestHandler
Constructs a new ScalpelHttpRequestHandler object with the specified MontoyaApi object and ScalpelExecutor object.
scalpelIsENABLEDButton - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
ScalpelLogger - Class in lexfo.scalpel
Provides methods for logging messages to the Burp Suite output and standard streams.
ScalpelLogger() - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelLogger
ScalpelLogger.Level - Enum Class in lexfo.scalpel
Log levels used to filtrate logs by weight Useful for debugging.
ScalpelOctalEditor - Class in lexfo.scalpel.editors
ScalpelOctalEditor(String, Boolean, MontoyaApi, EditorCreationContext, EditorType, ScalpelEditorTabbedPane, ScalpelExecutor) - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.editors.ScalpelOctalEditor
ScalpelRawEditor - Class in lexfo.scalpel.editors
Provides an UI text editor component for editing HTTP requests or responses.
ScalpelRawEditor(String, Boolean, MontoyaApi, EditorCreationContext, EditorType, ScalpelEditorTabbedPane, ScalpelExecutor) - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.editors.ScalpelRawEditor
Constructs a new Scalpel editor.
script - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
The path of the Scalpel script that will be passed to the framework.
scriptBrowseButton - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
scriptConfigPanel - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
scriptPathTextArea - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
selectedData() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.AbstractEditor
Returns the selected data.
selectedData() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.ScalpelGenericBinaryEditor
Returns the selected data.
selectedData() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.ScalpelRawEditor
Returns the selected data.
selectedData() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
Returns the selected data.
selectEditor() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
Select the most suited editor for updating Burp message data.
selectedScriptLabel - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
selectScript(Path) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
setAndStoreScript(Path) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
setDisplayProxyErrorPopup(String) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
setEditorContent(ByteArray) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.AbstractEditor
Set the editor's content Note: This should update isModified()
setEditorContent(ByteArray) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.ScalpelGenericBinaryEditor
setEditorContent(ByteArray) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.ScalpelRawEditor
setEditorError(Throwable) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.AbstractEditor
setEditorsProvider(ScalpelEditorProvider) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
setEditScriptCommand(String) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
setJdkPath(Path) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
setLogger(Logging) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelLogger
Set the Burp logger instance to use.
setLogLevel(String) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
setLogLevel(ScalpelLogger.Level) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelLogger
setOpenFolderCommand(String) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
setOpenScriptCommand(String) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
setRequestResponse(HttpRequestResponse) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.AbstractEditor
Sets the HttpRequestResponse to be edited.
setRequestResponse(HttpRequestResponse) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
Sets the HttpRequestResponse to be edited.
setRequestResponseInternal(HttpRequestResponse) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.AbstractEditor
setRequestResponseInternal(HttpRequestResponse) - Method in interface lexfo.scalpel.editors.IMessageEditor
setSelectedVenvPath(Path) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
setSettings(Map<String, String>) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
setSettingsValues(Map<String, String>) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.components.SettingsPanel
settingsComponentsByKey - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.components.SettingsPanel
settingsPanel - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
SettingsPanel - Class in lexfo.scalpel.components
SettingsPanel() - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.components.SettingsPanel
settingsTab - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
setupAutoScroll(JScrollPane, JTextArea) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.UIUtils
Set up auto-scrolling for a script output text area.
setupCopyButton() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
setupDebugInfoTab() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
setupGitHubIssueButton() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
setupHelpTab() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
setupJepFromConfig(Config) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Scalpel
setupLogsTab() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
setupSettingsTab() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
setupVenvTab() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
setUserScriptPath(Path) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
setVenvPaths(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
SHELL_DIRNAME - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.RessourcesUnpacker
showBlockingWaitDialog(String, Consumer<JLabel>) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.components.WorkingPopup
Shows a blocking wait dialog.
showErrorDialog(Frame, String) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.components.ErrorDialog
sleep(Integer) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.IO
stackTraceToString(StackTraceElement[]) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelLogger
stderrScrollPane - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
stderrTextArea - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
stdoutScrollPane - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
stdoutTextArea - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
success(T) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Result
suppressCheckBox - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.components.ErrorPopup


tabs - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.AbstractEditor
Task(String, Object[], Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor.Task
Constructs a new Task object.
taskLoop() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
tasks - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
The Python task queue.
TEMPLATES_DIRNAME - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.RessourcesUnpacker
Terminal - Class in lexfo.scalpel
Terminal() - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.Terminal
terminalForVenvConfig - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
theme - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
then(Consumer<Object>) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor.Task
toByteArray(byte[]) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.PythonUtils
Convert Python bytes to a Burp ByteArray
toJavaBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.PythonUtils
Convert Python bytes to Java bytes It is not possible to explicitely convert to Java bytes Python side without a Java helper like this one, because Jep doesn't natively support the convertion: When returning byte[], Python receives a PyJArray of integer-like objects which will be mapped back to byte[] by Jep.
toPythonBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.PythonUtils
Convert Java signed bytes to corresponding unsigned values Convertions issues occur when passing Java bytes to Python because Java's are signed and Python's are unsigned.
toString() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.Result
toString() - Method in record class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane.HookTabInfo
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane.PartialHookTabInfo
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor.CallableData
Returns a string representation of this record class.
trace(String) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelLogger
Logs the specified message to the Burp Suite output and standard output at the TRACE level.
TRACE - Enum constant in enum class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelLogger.Level
type - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.AbstractEditor
The editor type (REQUEST or RESPONSE).
type - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
The editor type (REQUEST or RESPONSE).


UIBuilder - Class in lexfo.scalpel
Provides methods for constructing the Burp Suite UI.
UIBuilder() - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.UIBuilder
uiComponent() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
Returns the UI component to display.
uiComponent() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.AbstractEditor
Returns the underlying UI component.
uiComponent() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
Returns the underlying UI component.
UIUtils - Class in lexfo.scalpel
UIUtils() - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.UIUtils
UnObfuscator - Class in lexfo.scalpel
UnObfuscator() - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.UnObfuscator
updateContent(HttpRequestResponse) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.AbstractEditor
Initializes the editor with Python callbacks output of the inputted HTTP message.
updateContent(HttpRequestResponse) - Method in interface lexfo.scalpel.editors.IMessageEditor
updateHeader(T, String, String) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.PythonUtils
Updates the specified HttpMessage object's header with the specified name and value.
updatePackagesTable() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
updatePackagesTable(Consumer<JTable>) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
updatePackagesTable(Consumer<JTable>, Runnable) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
updateRootPanel() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.AbstractEditor
updateScriptList() - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
updateTerminal(String) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
updateTerminal(String, String, String) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
userScriptPath - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Config._ProjectData
utf8 - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.DisplayableWhiteSpaceCharset


VALID_HOOK_PREFIXES - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
value - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Result
value - Variable in enum class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelLogger.Level
value() - Method in enum class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelLogger.Level
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class lexfo.scalpel.EditorType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelLogger.Level
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class lexfo.scalpel.EditorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelLogger.Level
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
Venv - Class in lexfo.scalpel
Manage Python virtual environments.
Venv() - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.Venv
VENV_BIN_DIR - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
VENV_DIR - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Workspace
VENV_LIB_DIR - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Constants
Venv dir containing site-packages
Venv.PackageInfo - Class in lexfo.scalpel
venvListComponent - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
venvScriptList - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
venvSelectPanel - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ConfigTab
version - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Venv.PackageInfo


waitForExecutor(MontoyaApi, ScalpelEditorProvider, ScalpelExecutor) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.Scalpel
warn(String) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelLogger
Logs the specified message to the Burp Suite output and standard output at the WARN level.
WARN - Enum constant in enum class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelLogger.Level
WhitspaceCharsetDecoder - Class in lexfo.scalpel.editors
WhitspaceCharsetDecoder(Charset, CharsetDecoder) - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.editors.WhitspaceCharsetDecoder
WhitspaceCharsetEncoder - Class in lexfo.scalpel.editors
WhitspaceCharsetEncoder(Charset, CharsetEncoder) - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.editors.WhitspaceCharsetEncoder
WINDOWS_COLORS - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Palette
WINDOWS_PALETTE - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Palette
WorkingPopup - Class in lexfo.scalpel.components
Provides a blocking wait dialog GUI popup.
WorkingPopup() - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.components.WorkingPopup
Workspace - Class in lexfo.scalpel
A workspace is a folder containing a venv and the associated scripts.
Workspace() - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.Workspace
WORKSPACE_DIRNAME - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.RessourcesUnpacker
WORKSPACE_PATH - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.RessourcesUnpacker
workspacePath - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Config._ProjectData
workspacePaths - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Config._GlobalData
List of registered venv paths.
writeFile(String, String) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.IO
writeJSON(File, Object) - Static method in class lexfo.scalpel.IO
writer - Static variable in class lexfo.scalpel.IO


_GlobalData() - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.Config._GlobalData
_innerTaskLoop(SubInterpreter) - Method in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelExecutor
_jdkPath - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.Config
_ProjectData() - Constructor for class lexfo.scalpel.Config._ProjectData
_requestResponse - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.editors.AbstractEditor
The HTTP request or response being edited.
_requestResponse - Variable in class lexfo.scalpel.ScalpelEditorTabbedPane
The HTTP request or response being edited.
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