Package lexfo.scalpel

Class Config._GlobalData

Enclosing class:

private static class Config._GlobalData extends Object
Global configuration. This is the configuration that is shared between all projects. It contains the list of venvs and the default values. The default values are inferred from the user behavior. For a new project, the default venv, script and framework paths are laste ones selected by the user in any different project. If the user has never selected a venv, script or framework, the default values are set to default values.
  • Field Details

    • workspacePaths

      public ArrayList<String> workspacePaths
      List of registered venv paths.
    • defaultWorkspacePath

      public String defaultWorkspacePath
    • defaultScriptPath

      public String defaultScriptPath
    • jdkPath

      public String jdkPath
    • logLevel

      public String logLevel
    • openScriptCommand

      public String openScriptCommand
    • editScriptCommand

      public String editScriptCommand
    • openFolderCommand

      public String openFolderCommand
  • Constructor Details

    • _GlobalData

      private _GlobalData()